Discussion: Fashion Shows

When I was doing my business BTEC we did a unit on fashion retail and we spent two classes just watching fashion shows for things like Chanel and insert other expensive fashion brands :joy: it was interesting to learn about how catwalks and stuff actually work. But fashion as a whole isnā€™t something I care about. Here is an example of a fashion show for those who want to watch, if anyone has any questions about what I learned then I will answer.

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Whatā€™s the purpose of fashion shows? :eyes:

They are to show what is gonna be ā€œin styleā€ for that season, so obviously those outfits arenā€™t going to be worn straight off the catwalk but the people who watch those shows tend to be like ā€œhey could I get this adjusted to look like thisā€ or ā€œcan I have this and that but not that and thisā€ and gradually those items become more popular and fashionable. Then smaller affordable fashion brands will take elements from the catwalks and make their own versions for everyday people to wear.

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Iā€™ve seen pictures of so much stuff on runways that just looks ridiculous :eyes: Makes sense that they get moderated by more affordable brands to have more widespread appeal

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Yeah it seems very hunger gamesish to me, like the extravagant outfits that just wouldnā€™t really be worn :joy:

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Yeah it definitely does kinda give off those vibes :joy: It would be so weird to see someone just walking around looking like that in any other context

Iā€™ve only ever been to community ones, does that count?

That actually sounds better than the big ones, I was asked to model in one and I was like
No I canā€™t walk in heals

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Yeah, itā€™s a tad more natural, I suppose.
You would have been one hella sexy model.

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Iā€™ve never actually been to one tho i would like to :eyes:

I volunteered at one and I liked it! I think fashion shows can be very interesting, I wish I could go to the Paris fashion week :confused:

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Iā€™ve never been to a fashion show, but I do see them through videos and stuff.

So the purpose of fashion shows is to see how the audience react when outfits are presented.

Some are peculiar, while some arenā€™t even practical.

Those outfits we see in shops are already modified to be wearable, and less crazy. When a trend comes, some people are willing to spend their money on ā€œtrendyā€ outfits so they feel like they are not ā€œold-fashionedā€.

Basically, a marketing tactic to trick you into spending.

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I LOVE EMMM :star_struck:

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