Discussion: Ghosts šŸ‘»

My Mum always tells me this story of me greeting invisible people at the cemetery when I was 2-3 years old. It used to freak me out when she told me about that but now itā€™s fine, I think she just made that up. I have never seen anything that Iā€™d call a ghost ever again although my family keeps saying our house is haunted.

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Ghosts may exist, but Iā€™ve never seen any yet so I donā€™t really believe in them. If I do happen to see them one day, Iā€™ll believe. Though, tbh, I think ghosts shouldnā€™t be the biggest problem to worry about when we have humans who do more damage than ghosts.

Iā€™ve actually caught a ghost on camera before

Well I meanā€¦ ok for the sake of discussion letā€™s consider that ghosts are real. Not many believe in them or will take you seriously if something happens/a ghost does something really bad. This can be a possession, moving things, breaking thingsā€¦ etcā€¦ just a bunch of bad stuff. While that is rare, the person going through that canā€™t really tell anyone/get any help about it because what do you do against a ghost? Lol. So I think that it is debatable.

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What if those ghosts who moved/broke things were just trying to connect to the world? I mean, if there arenā€™t other ghosts around Iā€™d assume theyā€™d be lonely or probably too bored, or maybe they accidentally tripped.

Ghost canā€™t all be evil, can they? There must be good ghosts

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oh no they arenā€™t all evil lol but there are many evil ones, just like there are evil people, thats what I believe at least. Some ghosts do move things - even throw things purposefully AT people, to cause harm. Not all though. One of my momā€™s coworkers has ghosts in her house that just turn on the stove occaisonally and that can get pretty dangerous.
Plus possession where a ghost literally possesses someoneā€™s body. (Which is rare but still).

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Is it possible to be friends with a ghost?

O_o Hmmā€¦ Maybe, theyā€™re angry about something? Or have some history with that person. Yeah the stove situation is dangerous. How does the ghost possess a body?

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Yeah itā€™s possible to be friends with a ghost lol. Lol its complicated. This is all according to what I personally believe and what makes sense to me but hereā€™s what I know/think:
There are different levels of like power I guess with spirits? The more power they get depends on if theyā€™ve been human before. SO I believe in multiple lives and that we all have lived hundreds if not millions of lives before. The more lives you have, the more power you gain in the spiritual world. Well, some spirits want to cheat the system. They are really evil and usually possess people - or even scare some to get that energy and power.

Usually only people that mess with the spiritual world (like people that do really dark rituals and dark stuff and mess with spirits) get possessed. Its just because they become more open to the darker side of the paranormal world and are practically inviting spirits/demons to possess them.

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Is it possible for an evil person gets possessed by a good spirit? Also, is there any differences between a ghost and a spirit?

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Noā€¦ all possessions are bad. A bad person can be possessed, but a spirit that possesses NEVER has good intentions. Neverā€¦
I usually say theyā€™re the same thing, however, I usually call them spirits lol. I just say ghosts cuz people know of ghosts and hear that more. Idk if thereā€™s a difference.

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Aww thatā€™s too bad then :frowning:

Ooo okay
Do you think ghosts are more to the creepy side orā€¦?

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Depends on how you view it. Ghosts are like people. Some good, and some bad.

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I believe in ghosts as some of my friends claimed that they can see them, and now I have necrophobia.


I donā€™t believe in ghosts or anything like that (like haunting and stuff), but I do believe spirits watch over us after they die


I consider spirits as ghosts.


I like to think ghosts do exist, but I try to stay away from that part of life and not try and make myself known to them just because they scare the daylights out of me. Iā€™ve watched too many freaky videos about ghosts that now Iā€™m just paranoid.
Some ghosts are peaceful and wonā€™t really mess with you, but there are also bad spirits that can try to do things to scare you. And then theres also the cases where the ghosts try and actually harm us.

I never really see any glimpses of ghosts, but I always hear random noises at night. Yesterday I woke up with scratches on my one thigh, which I have no idea how it got there. I honestly started wondering if it was some weird paranormal activity but who knows anymore, I could have just scratched myself. And last year when I went on a school trip we went to this place that used to be a school likeā€¦ 500 years ago? It was a catholic school for girls that had the nuns and everything. Now people just go there for trips, but I swear it was haunted. I refused to leave my room at night because there were creepy noises constantly during the night and it just freaked me out so much.


I do believe that ghosts exist. Even encountered one once, although at the time, I was seven or eight years old and thought he was a part of my imagination.

I canā€™t remember what he looked like, but he preferred to be called Danny. My mom and grandparents would assume that I was talking to myself on the days when heā€™d appear, or I was having a conversation with an imaginary friend. Back then, I was convinced he was. Now that Iā€™m older, there was a particular day which traumatized me to a point where I had pushed it into the back of my mind. It had been almost nine months since the first encounter, and I guess you could say that this interaction would be the last time I ever saw or conversed with Danny.

It was late afternoon, and my great aunt and uncle were visiting my grandparents. I was down in the basement (not one of those creepy basements, mind you) playing with my dolls, when I heard a quiet but familiar voice. It was Danny, but he didnā€™t seem like himself. Almost as if he had his ā€˜soulā€™ unplugged. I tried to converse with him for several minutes, but I didnā€™t think he heard me, so I went back to playing with the dolls. Fast forward several hoursā€¦ It was about nine something, about an hour after I went to bed. I had just woken up from a nightmare (one of those where youā€™re being chased by someone or something), only to come face to face with ā€œDannyā€. His facial features seemed distorted, eyes dull and dead and a chilling smirk on his once friendly face. I donā€™t remember what he said exactly, or if there was something else in the room, but the next thing I knew, my mother and grandmother turning on the lights, trying to calm me down. I wish I could recollect that memory, though maybe Iā€™m better off not knowingā€¦

Hopefully I donā€™t sound weird by saying all this.

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Added a discussion tag! :v:

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