Do you own a gun?
What are your opinions on people owning guns?
Do you think we should outlaw using firearms?
Are you afraid of guns?

potentially controversial opinion

I think people should be allowed to process firearms to hunt or defend themselves, but background checks need to be stricter :thinking: If we ban guns outright, home robbery cases will skyrocket along with abuse and r-pe cases

We also need to change the cultures around guns, here in the US, everyone is so casual about them because it happens all the time on the news, to the point where we almost arenā€™t afraid. We need to change that


I agree


No, I do not.

If theyā€™ve applied for a license and gone through the process, sure. Although I donā€™t see much need for a member of the general public to own a firearm.

Only for civilians. Military and police should still be allowed to use them.

Not really.


I donā€™t see a practical use for people owning firearms.

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No And my Countries controls on firearms would make it exceptionally hard for me to get one even If I wanted to own one as I have no valid reason for owning one.

I donā€™t really have an issue with someone owning a firearm within reason. If it were up to me there there would be VERY strict rules around possession, what types of firearm you were allowed for your reason and things such as ammunition purchases would be limited and controlled as well.

Certain types, Yes. There is never a reason for a Civilian to own a certain type of firearm (Usually refering to Military Grade hardware, but also adding in things like the P90 which is a ā€œPersonal Defense Weaponā€ to get round the Belgian Laws)

With regards to Law Enforcement, I live in a country where the Police arenā€™t armed, so I feel no need to have armed beat officers. Having Specialist trained officers that have been certified to carry and use firearms if the situation arises that to me is fine.

so over all no I am not for the outlawing of Firearms, I am for the massive control of firearms, and agree with most of the measures my country already takes.

No, I find the Firearm intriguing. I love the history of the mighty weapon that levelled the battlefields of the world. The weapon that is the reason for pretty much the destruction of the Warrior Caste in most societies.

I also am a big fan of older, more majestic firearms. But that doesnā€™t change my opinions.

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Thatā€™s a loaded topic :wink: I live in a country which strictly regulates gun ownership and Iā€™m very happy about it. It creates a safer environment, in a grand number of ways. Naturally, I donā€™t own a gun - I have neither a license (which Iā€™d never get) nor a reason.

You mean the gun owners, or the right to own guns? :wink:

Either way, itā€™s very situational. Gun ownership generally escalates both gun ownership and gun violence. The more people have guns, the more people feel threatened by gunsā€¦ And hence, the more people feel they need to own guns to defend themselves. This fuels the spiral - but at the same time, itā€™s hard to expect people will not fuel it if they feel threatened.

In a country with strictly regulated gun ownership, Iā€™d immediately wonder ā€˜why does this person need a gun?ā€™. In a country like US, it becomes a much more complicated matter. I can understand why people would wish to own a gun (even if I donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea).

I assume you mean the usage by civilians :slight_smile: In any case, this isā€¦ Not that simple. Think of prohibition, for example: The government tried to outlaw the ownership and usage of alcohol. The biggest visible result was a huge black market and criminal enterprise built around its illegal distribution. If you outlawed guns, the same thing would happen: The gun market would simply move underground and become even more unregulated.

The biggest problem is, actually, the availability of the firearms. The thing that separates the ā€˜gun-freeā€™ countries from the US is that the firearms are relatively sparse on the market. On the other hand (if I remember right), there is an average of 13 guns per capita in the US. Obtaining a gun - legally or not - is a simple matter simply because there are so many guns out there.

Research shown that everyone is afraid of guns, on a subconscious level. The mere sight of a gun - even a model gun or a picture of a gun - causes a subtle spike in anxiety levels and readiness to use violence. The European psychologists canā€™t understand why this argument is never raised in the gun debate :thinking:

This is a very valid point, though: I think it creates an even more dangerous situation where you almost donā€™t realise that youā€™re afraid. The anxiety is there - always ready to trigger an acute reaction - yet itā€™sā€¦ Swept under a carpet, so to speak.

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No. I probably wonā€™t ever.

I think it is okay ONLY for protection NOT hurting others.

Maybe but I donā€™t knowā€¦I want to say yes because if we get rid of them, then the world would be safer. But that might not be what happens so-
I think if we do try to get rid of them, then people in the US will pull the ā€˜You canā€™t take my gun(s) because of the second amendment(right to bear arms)" thing which I still fell like is unfair. Yes, the second amendment was used for weapons, but NOT the type of weapons we have now. That amendment was made when WAY LESS harmful weaponsā€™ were upon us.


Yes, I agree, for defending ourselves and hunting is good. I also agree with background checks needing to be stricter.

I totally agree. To be honest, in the US, gun are used WAY TO OFTEN and it is so bad :sob:.


I totally agree with that.

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I think there should be more gun control but I canā€™t say whether I think they should be outlawed or not.

I do however know I will never own a gun and if I feel the need to defend myself I will carry around pepper spray. I donā€™t know why Iā€™d want to potentially kill someone when pepper spray can give me enough time to get away from someone and not critically injure them.


Iā€™m scared of guns :gun:

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Should people have the right to own guns?


I live in a country with very strict rules regarding guns, and this is not the case - what america needs to do is wean u guys off of them. Thereā€™s a huge gun culture in america, which is why so many of you freak out at the thought of not having them. Itā€™s a little bit (not the same but idk what to compare it to) like an alcoholic being told alcohol will soon be outlawed. They freak out - they need weaned off it, but in the end it will be better and healthier for you all

So yes I think guns in america should be outlawed. Itā€™ll reduce your crime rate in the long run

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