Discussion: Hand Simulator

Hand simulator (including games like Hand Simulator: Survival) is basically a simulation game where you control your hands and you use them to pick things up and stuff.

I’ve mostly only ever watched Markiplier play it and from the looks of things it’s not really the easiest thing to control which makes for some pretty funny content.

So @Gamers have you heard of this?
Have you ever played it?

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I’ve never heard of this but reading about it makes me really want to try this :joy: I used to really enjoy simulator games

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It’s a pretty funny game tbh especially if you have people to play with

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Honestly never heard of it lol, but it kind of sounds like VR? But it also seems like there’s a difference. @anon68003072 could you explain more?

It’s a PC game on Steam I think, Markiplier used to play them with friends