Discussion: Hoodies with bullet holes

So, I got this email from change.org yesterday:

20 years ago, two school shooters rampaged the Columbine school campus — Lenora was about 30 minutes away from the tragedy. As a mom, the issue of school shootings is personal. So she was shocked when “designer” hoodies riddled with bullet holes were put on display at a Fashion Week event. She’s launching a campaign to tell the designers to cancel the line of sweatshirts before they go on sale. Help stop this company from profiting from the loss of many innocent children.

A company called Bstroy (founders Brick Owens and Dieter Grams) have designed shirts with school logos and bullet holes. Sandy Hook (where 6-year-olds were mass murdered) and Columbine are among the logos. This company has potential to profit from killings of children. They have not stated that the items won’t be sold. Imagine what a parent of a child who was killed would feel seeing someone flaunting this disgusting apparel in front of them.

What the hoodies look like

What do y’all think about this? :thinking:


I don’t know who to support on this. I feel bad for the mom. But still, the holes are there just for fashion statement. Just because there are ripped jeans doesn’t mean it automatically sends a message about slavery or poverty. I don’t think its that big of a deal to worry about yet :woman_shrugging:


Wait but why does the sweatshirt say “Sandy Hook” - that is where one of the deadliest school shootings was (read about it on Wikipedia, truly horrifying bc it was at an elementary school), so there’s no way that’s not on purpose… [Edit: fixed wiki link]

Can you give some more details on the campaign? I wasn’t able to find any additional information on this to see if there’s possibly another side to it, like the hoodies are bringing awareness and/or raising money for victims or to pass common sense gun regulations (that most people in the US support, just big money doesn’t)…


The email also says this:

A company called Bstroy (founders Brick Owens and Dieter Grams) have designed shirts with school logos and bullet holes. Sandy Hook (where 6-year-olds were mass murdered) and Columbine are among the logos. This company has potential to profit from killings of children. They have not stated that the items won’t be sold. Imagine what a parent of a child who was killed would feel seeing someone flaunting this disgusting apparel in front of them.

Sorry, I should have put that in the first post :woman_facepalming:


No worries, it just seemed like maaaaybe the designers didn’t mean anything with the holes and stuff, but with the names of schools where there have been school shootings, that’s different and very intentional.

Does that change your opinion @AS007 ?

I’m a bit on the fence as I don’t like censoring people. But do I think they deserve some shame and derision for thinking this would be ok without talking to people impacted by school shootings (a few articles I read had negative quotes from family of people who died at Sandy Hook, Columbine, and Marjory Stoneman Douglass HS).

They claim they are trying to make a comment on gun violence in the US, however, I think that fell flat as they didn’t have support of anti-gun violence groups behind them, which could have strengthened and clarified their message.

Interesting Washington Post article I read here where the designers say that prejudice against them as black men also may be fueling hate.

They originally weren’t selling them (it was just for the fashion show I guess), but are now considering it, which leaves a gross taste in my mouth. I mean 20 kids that were under 7 died at Sandy Hook…

I just think it’s a bit gross but gun violence is something we need to talk about and prevent. But I don’t think this is the way…


It’s pretty dark to be a fashion statement not to mention insensitive to the families. The fact the name of the schools where shootings occured were put on the hoodies is just dark. Children died…

I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be making a statement using shock value or something or if it’s a messed up way of “showing solidarity” but there are far better ways than this.

I don’t like telling people what they should or shouldn’t wear or what clothes are acceptable. So I’m also pretty on the fence about it but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth or something. I don’t think I’d tell somebody off for wearing it because part of me does see what the company may have been trying to do it’s just that I wouldn’t personally buy these.

I’m not offended by them or anything I just think it’s very dark




My reaction :joy:

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:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: not sure what my take on this topic would be about…I’d say it’s strange.


I feel like the bullet holes make somewhat of a political statement, but tying them into actual school shootings is a step too far.

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