Discussion: Horror books!

Now as most of you know I am a fan of horror although admittedly I haven’t read as many horror books as I would like!

I have read:

The Thief of Always - Clive Barker
Dolly - Susan Hill
The Woman in Black - Susan Hill

And that is all I can think off the top of my head but I’m always looking for more!


Do you like horror books?
If so can you recommend any? (Keep it PG13)
If you don’t like horror books then why not?
Do horror books scare you?

No, not at all :sweat_smile:

They either give me nightmares or make me nervous and paranoid :sweat_smile: I’m just not a fan of horror

Yes, a lot!

@Bookworms Does anyone have some other opinions on horror books?

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Not really.

They give me nightmares and I hate feeling scared.


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I personally do not

they scare me and worsen my mental health for some reason

yes :flushed:

Added some tags :innocent:

I love horror but I’ve never read a horror book…
Have to change that


I haven’t read any but I like them because HORRORRRR

Lolol how could they scare me?
They don’t have jumpscares or any other stuff.
Reading is NOT scary.

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