Have you ever just wondered this?
What do you think it would be?
Why would somebody question this?
Have you ever just wondered this?
What do you think it would be?
Why would somebody question this?
Dont drop the sope. especially in jail
Hmm… It depends on how hard you drop it
I think the soap’s dirty. Soap itself can’t clean the floor.
What about you? Do you agree/disagree with this?
Did it fall and scrub the floor by itself using a sponge
Well, the soap would get dirty. It doesn’t just automatically clean everything it touches. You’d need to scrub it in or something.
The soap is dirty. I dropped the soap on a floor many times. The. Soap. Is. Dirty.
Guess most of us agree that the soap would be dirty.
This is a lame topic, and everybody agrees. Closed, mate.