Discussion: Is fat shaming real? Do you think it's discouraging?

I know a long time ago, I was one of these people that used to take the piss out of bigger people but since some people have opened my eyes about certain things. Here’s what I wanted to say.

I don’t hate all fat people. I just can’t stand fat acceptance movement because:

  • It glorifies unhealthy lifestyles, just like smoking (lung cancer is definitely not cute but heart disease isn’t either)
  • So many risks of being extremely obese like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, sleep apnea, stroke, any type of cancer, high blood pressure and cholesterol, breathlessness and increased sweating (not from working out)
  • Can be very difficult to lose all the weight

I can understand why some people have gained weight because they turn to food for comfort (PTSD is definitely the culprit, same with Body Dysmorphia). This can mess up your mental health for sure.

Thin privilege definitely does not exist I agree but let’s be honest here, glorifying obesity is just as disgusting as glorifying anorexia and bulimia.

Sorry if I’m rambling here as I would like to know what are your thoughts? Please be respectful to each other in the comment section.


Not everyone can even afford to live healthy lifestyles- the cheapest food is fast food- unfortunately. I don’t think we should fat shame, but at the same time, I don’t think we should encourage it.

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It is very real and very discouraging however people on some cases, people need to stop using the word so frivolously.


I don’t think that people should shame other’s people’s bodies- no matter what they look like.

No one’s bodies should be shamed at all.


We should encourage those who are severely overweight to improve their lifestyle- not discourage their current one

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Agreed. :purple_heart:

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why body shame? who does that benefit? i would never shame anyone for being a different or unhealthy looking size.

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Anorexia is disgusting?

I didn’t realise I wrote that. I was meant to say that it’s disgusting when people glorify obesity and eating disorders.

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Oh. Okay. Sorry, I’m a little sensitive today :grimacing::heart: and anyways. I agree. I think that everyone should strive to eat WELL and BE healthy. Not to eat ‘healthy’ because at this point, society thinks healthy = salads, salads, salads. And I don’t think that BMI should be everything either. Like my actual weight is not that much but then because I do gymnastics, I have muscle, which is heavier than fat. Bodybuilders or super muscly people tend to come up as very obese on BMI scales, when they’re actually totally healthy. I think that fat shaming is real. There are kinda three categories, people who are fat acceptance, people who don’t care/mind/pro-healthiness and people who fat-shame. Fat shame definitely exists. I think that fat-acceptance actually began sort of like the feminist movement began. Original feminists strived for equality. Now tumblr ‘feminists’ want girls to rule the world. So maybe fat acceptance began as a movement to stop fat shaming, and to help people not be ashamed of your bodies, because you CAN try to lose weight without hating your body, it’s possible. But now people are like ‘ohh it’s ok’ if you’re actually clinically obese. It’s not. It doesn’t make that person any less awesome, and it doesn’t make them ugly or whatever for being fat. It’s just not healthy, that’s all.


It’s fine, I understand. Thank you for spotting out the mistake I made there :slight_smile:

True that. Healthy eating does not mean salads, plus you don’t have to eat salads all the time to be healthy as you can always cook/eat meals that you like. It’s all about balance diets! Forget paleo, keto and all that rubbish!

Bodybuilders have to be on a super strict diet to maintain that body during them competitions.

I know right. Being clinically obese is deadly af and same with anorexia & bulimia! A doctor cannot say to you, “Oh you’re fine just the way you are” if you’re physically or mentally unhealthy.

Oh man don’t get me started on these tumblr feminists, they are the worst! Promoting unhealthy lifestyles at young girls and telling them that it’s okay to be clinically obese.

Since I’m an endomorph body type, it’s very difficult to lose weight so I’ve been suggested to make cardio my main target.


Exactly. Anorexia and obesity can both kill you, but a doctor’s not going to tell a cancer patient ‘it’s okay, love cancer. you’re perfect just the way you are, even with cancer. it’s ok, we don’t need to get rid of it.’

I mean, if a doctor told a cancer patient that, they’d get fired before someone could say ‘wtf’.


Exactly. This means that the doctor is not doing a good job!

Since I am going to be sent to an eating disorder clinic very soon due to what has been happening to me lately as I am convinced that I have an eating disorder judging by the episodes of vomiting, purging, feeling awfully tired and working out like crazy at the gym. This also includes being unhappy with my body image too.


That’s not good, but you know what? It’s good that you realise it’s not healthy. That’s a big first step and I’m proud of you. Ik we don’t know each other that much but you can PM me anytime. Anyway, back on topic. What did you mean by ‘do you think it’s discouraging’, I didn’t quite get that :thinking::blush::hugs::hugs::heart::heart:


True that. I’m not doing this for attention or anything since I am aware of the symptoms which I have been discussing with the doctors about this. It’s on the 7th June that I’m going to that.

And they say that bulimia is a skinny person problem when anyone can be bulimic at any size.

Sure thing, Haruka. I’ll keep that in mind :slight_smile:

When I mean discouraging, I meant people who fat shame others like “Put down that burger and get on the treadmill, fatty” or “Guys would like you more if you were a super model” something like that. Yet people think it’s discouraging for the doctor to tell you that being clinically obese is very bad and should take action against that.

Do you remember this woman named Nicole Arbour who made that Dear Fat People video?


Good to hear (that doctors are aware etc.)!

Yeah, I think it is discouraging. I think that there’s a difference between fat-shaming and pointing out that someone isn’t healthy and should maybe change up their diet a little. It’s a pretty fine line, though. Calling a fat person any sort of insults because of their weight is unacceptable and is fat-shaming (such as fatty, fatso etc). It can be as easy as going up to one of your friends who might be a little unhealthily overweight and saying, hey, what do you say to eating the right stuff and healthily (not society’s standards, I mean science’s standards of healthy) for a week or so? I’ll do it with you, we can give it a shot. You don’t have to march up to them and declare ‘you’re fat, lose weight.’ I mean, that’s just harsh :joy:

And I think I vaguely recall watching such a video, but I don’t remember what was said in it.


Definitely as this needs to be taken seriously as I could get hospitalised if I don’t do something about it.

True that. Like there is nothing wrong with giving someone you care about tough love which is needed for that situation but it’s not okay to be like throwing burgers at someone bigger or making memes about how big this person is which is definitely going too far.

Basically it was a very controversial video that a lot of people lost their shit over it. I’ll see if I can find a mirrored version of it.


here you go


It’s late for me, but I’ll take a look at that tomorrow.


No rush! You’re not missing out anything as this video was like a few years old (it was released around 2015).

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