Discussion: Is the fitness industry dying?

In my opinion, I think that the fitness industry is dying or maybe dead because of reasons like:

  • People don’t care about their health anymore that they work out just to please their significant other or seek validation from others. I guess it is safe to say that it has been sexualised in a way because of people are only working out on specific body parts which is very sad.
  • Influencers acting like they know everything about health & fitness when they’re blatantly taking suggestive selfies which can trigger body image problems. We’re also looking at you, Kardashians!
  • Weight loss teas/pills are complete b0ll0cks! These companies don’t care about you, they just want your money :pound: :euro: :dollar:
  • Again, peer pressure is the main culprit of why people aren’t focusing on themselves anymore
  • Eating disorders becoming pretty common
  • Fat acceptance
  • Social media

I have came across very good fitness channels such as Every Damn Day Fitness. He’s absolutely awesome and throws out facts about health & fitness better than these stupid influencers you see on social media. Here’s an example of one of his videos:

Here’s my other favourite fitness channel who is also funny and professional at the same time, My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You:

Also, here is the Thor lookalike Swolenormus who is also funny

Do you think the fitness industry is dying/dead? Let me know in the comment section down below.



Small bump


I still think it is. But who knows?

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