Discussion: keyboard smashes ✨

Do you like them? Why or why not?
Do you do them? If yes, are there any rules/styles you follow when doing them?
Do you think that different keyboard smashes can represent different emotions?
What does your favourite keyboard smash look like? :eyes::sparkles:


oh like this?


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Would be illegal not to!

Are there supposed to be rules? :joy_cat:

Uhm… maybe?? :frog:

I love that u think someone just types down carefully their favorite one lol! :joy_cat::joy_cat: maybe

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I prefer if they have a large variety of letters



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theyre my fave i use them to express like that giddiness feeling? like happy excited or like just not a care in the world?? you know that feeling?

my fave is

fkkfkfk or sksksks


aoanosmeoamlwmeodnsie is also good

or maybe even


Hmm i could go on forever

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Yes dfghjdklcjfhgdkln

I used them a lot to express an emotion that I can’t describe dhgfghjkifhdk
I just randomly brush my finger across my keyboard and that’s that🤣

I have an English keyboard and a Chinese keyboard but mostly I use the English one cuz it’s simple
If I use the Chinese one my friends will be really confused when they tried to read what am I gonna say and realise that I’m talking gibberish

qwer5t6y7uiop[;lkjhgtfrdesdxcvbnjmklkjuhygtfrdesxcvbnjmk,l is this a new language?

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i do!!

vocals just, don’t belong in keyboard smashes

they usually represent laugh, but maybe they can express other emotions lol


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ooo i like that one too.
ksjskndnswkx alkdfjoaiwejofjdlfja!!!

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When I type my parents say that it sounds like im keyboard smashing but its just because I type so fast and I make a lot of noise :joy:

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