Discussion: Pets as gifts

What do you think about giving children pets as a gift for birthdays or Christmas?

Some say it’s completely fine because it’s like any other day, but others say pets shouldn’t be gifts. Which side are you on? Why?

For me, I think as long as the kid really wants the pet for a long time, it’s fine to give it as a present. But if the kid really asks for a cat as a Christmas present, I don’t think it’s okay


ive wanted a dog for over three years. i think is not okay because the animal might have trauma and if its at a party then it might scare the pet. i feel as the either whole family knows and they get it together. idk its kinda a weird topic


I don’t see what harm it does to get a pet as a gift?

Although, the parent should be prepared to take care of the pet themselves lol. Children are children, some more responsible than others. The parent would have the ultimate responsibility. Also, some parents might get a “gift” for their kids because they want a pet themselves.

I think it depends on the kid and the whole family, not on how long they have asked for the pet.


As long as the pet will be cared for and loved by their new owners ---- I don’t see why not.


As long as the entire family or friend is willing to have the responsibility then I’m sure its fine!


I think giving pets as a gift is only okay in the context of it being between people in the same household after some kind of discussion has occurred about taking care of the pet. I think that if the child has some understanding of pet care and actually wants the pet, then it can be a really sweet gift. However, make sure not to treat the pet as a gift and it definitely needs to be well taken care of, which can be an issue with pets that are bought as gifts for specific holidays.


I think that it’s only okay if it has been discussed before and you don’t treat the pet as you would treat any other gift you receive. You should also have the needed ressources to provide for it :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

Would you want to receive a pet as a gift? :eyes::sparkles:



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I think that’s the cutest thing ever and I’m jealous of kids that did get a pet as a gift for their birthday hahah





Have you ever received an animal as a gift? If yes, did it turn out like you imagined? :eyes::sparkles:

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If the person who gets the pet has expressed that they want it and that the pet is safely presented to ther person without causing trauma to the animal, then sure.

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I feel like it’s ok, as long as:

  1. The parents are aware that their child cannot take full care of the pet. And that vet bills are a thing.

  2. Planning and research have been done months ahead (not like the airheads who get bunnies for Easter because Aw LiTtLe EaStEr BuNnY and don’t even know that they need to eat hay).

  3. All members of the family are on board with getting it and know how to treat said pet.

And, for the love of all things holy, don’t put animals in gift boxes :expressionless:


Exactly. Make sure the box has air holes!!!


Or…Even better, put them in a goddamn carrier and tie a bow on it. Boom. Same effect lol


You love my favorite book series!


Nice :star_struck::hearts:


Yes, that!

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:jeans: <——— Millard :joy:

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Oh god I love him. My fave character by far

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