Discussion: Phobias and Fears you have or want to conquer

I feel the same way a lot of the time. Especially after expressing an unpopular opinion that no one in a group of friends/co-workers agreed with. What’s your MBTI type?


It’s INFP and I tried to figure out why I got INFP most of the time and INFJ sometimes. I thought that both personalities fit me really well. Then I started to look into differences in the personalities. One thing had to do with fears/concerns. The fear of not being able to attain knowledge vs the fear of not being liked by people.

What’s your MBTI type? ^^

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I’m also INFP. At first I got ISFP but that one doesn’t describe me at all. I thought something must be wrong, so I re-tested and got INFP which does describe me very well.
In the Frank James YouTube channel, there are these funny 16 Personalities skits about each personality in different situations. Before the personality type appears on the screen, I’m almost always thinking ‘OMG, that’s definitely me!’ and then I see INFP pop up on the screen. :joy:


Hahaha I might have seen some of them, because I was really into mbti and watched long lectures on it on YouTube. But I’ll check it out! Sounds fun :laughing: Oh, yes I got scared of how accurate the stuff was :joy:

Interesting with ISFP, have to look at the differences now and I’ll report it back to you if I ever get to it. :nerd_face:

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Oh my goodness! I have a fear of cockroaches! Just the way they look and the way they crawl! Cockroaches are attracted to food that has been left out on the counter, dirty dishes in the sink, and crumbs laying on the floor. They are also attracted to moisture, such as from a leaky pipe underneath a bathroom sink or a wet bathmat on the floor. Thank God, I don’t have any of these things in my house so I don’t see them frequently!



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I’m scared of new stuff or changes that aren’t sparked off by myself. But I got over my extreme fear of new people in my family so I don’t have problems talking to the new partners of my cousins :sweat_smile: But I’m still scared of new people at university, sometimes I don’t even look at them and I know I have to get over that soon because that won’t be good once I have a job.
And I’m scared of doing stuff wrong or annoying people but I’m not sure if that counts as a fear or not? It’s not all the time but when I start thinking about it too much. I’m also scared of just not being noticed by others but at the same time I want to be invisible sooo…not a real fear, just me being weird :sweat_smile:

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I wanna fly so my fear of heights can begone!

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I tried conquering my fear of heights so many times but nope. It’s just getting worse but I still like high places, if it makes sense :joy:

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I’m kinda scared of the thunder idk why😂
I have a little fear of heights but yet I still love to ride the roller coaster
Ah yes trypophobia I hate this :upside_down_face:
I’m also extremely afraid of talking or presenting in front of a group of people If it wasn’t for the assignment marks heck no I will speak

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Talking to new people! It stresses me out to no end

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My fear of balls. Feel free to ask.

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i’d like to ask…

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I have a shunt. If it gets hit, bad things could happen, so my mom instilled the fear in me. Any projectile coming towards my head, really.

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ahh, yeah… i don’t play soccer because i’ve had a ball kicked in my face too many times as a result

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That’s exactly what I mean. I can’t even be near someone playing basketball

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It’s really embarrassing

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I have a really big fear of loud noises and the 4th of July is coming up soon. I’m mostly afraid of the loud cherry bombs they might have around my house.

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Its weird how in school every time someone would be playing soccer or something like that I would always end up getting hit in the head. It was so weird. :joy:

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Soccer’s a surprisingly violent game… :joy:

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