Discussion: Phobias and Fears you have or want to conquer

As our weekly theme is phobias and fears I thought I’d make a thread about the phobia’s and fears we want to overcome or just learn to live with.

My arachnophobia had lessened over the years, I am now only scared of a specific kind so that is helpful!

The Ferris Wheel fear went away and came back.

I really want to get over my fear of the dark though.

So how about you?


I really want to overcome my fear of drunk people, something terrible happened a while ago and I keep getting triggered by that when I see drunk people irl…


Emtophobia I want to conquer, but I really can’t

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Elevators and cats. The cat one I think I can but the elevator ive has too many nightmares and been in some that idk if that’ll be possible anymore.

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My arachnophobia and also my fear of dying.

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I really wanna conquer my fear of death, I have really bad death anxiety.


My biggest fear is getting shot. :grimacing::rose::two_hearts:

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I’m terrified of trampolining but at the same time I love it

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Same though

weeee yay this is fun



My fear of needles, or anything sharp piercing into the skin :grimacing:

Well, it’s not exactly a fear but I get squeamish whenever I see it in movies and I never felt like that before!
Thankyou, Stranger things
I think I’m already starting to conquer it but eh :sunglasses:

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Also being abandoned it’s not like I have been abandoned before but it’s just the thought of friends or family or my boyfriend not loving and wanting me around and leaving me that kinda scares me a lot


I feel you guys on the abandonment and death anxiety, and those are both fears I’d love to conquer. I get anxious about death sometimes because the thought of just suddenly not existing in this world is just… :cold_face: :grimacing:
And the abandonment, I tend to overthink everything, so any time I feel I’ve said the wrong thing or acted moody and negative, I worry that my loved ones won’t want to be around me anymore. It’s only happened with “friends” that weren’t really my friends to begin with, so that’s probably why I fear that.

To be honest, I don’t really care if I conquer emetophobia because that would mean being exposed to vomit… and, no thanks.


I’m trying to overcome my fear of moths. :grimacing::white_heart: I’ve developed a fear of death recently…:thinking::white_heart:

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Health Problems…
Wicked People…

I have a fear of bugs, and a slight fear of those weird people in those automated messages. :laughing:

I don’t have phobias. I have certain reasonable fears on adequate levels that are needed to keep yourself alive and well. I think people often throw in the word “phobia” without it being the case.

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Spiders. Most aren’t poisonous and humans are much bigger than them but man, I’m terrified.

The only fear I have is emetophobia. I wouldn’t be scared of heights if I didn’t get nauseous when I go up high…

My fear is heights like rollercoaster go upside down. I don’t mind to try a rollercoaster one day but I’m a chicken


Oh, I was like “A topic about Phineas and Ferb!” lol

I don’t have any phobia or strong fear really. I’ve been a bit anxious in the past, but I don’t think it ever counted as a phobia.

I sometimes do fear that I’ve done something wrong and that people think that I’m annoying or useless. Maybe a bit afraid of losing friends. I’ve read something interesting about this which makes me want to comment on the 16 personalities/mbti thread hehe :relaxed: