Discussion: Public Transport

Also cough conservatives cough


Exactly, public transport is expensive and crap because a conservative Gooberment put it in this stupid mid-way point between private and gooberment ownership, when in reality it should be owned BY THE WORKERS


Tu bicicleta, mi bicicleta.

everything belongs to everyone


Now you’re sounding like a commie :eyes:

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Bring down private ownership, everything should be free for use!

ends up with tons of people dead and eventual war

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That’s quite the statement there :eyes:

Bringing public transport out of prviate or Goobermental ownership would do nothing but good things :eyes:

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I wouldn’t even hate getting the bus if it was always on time or at least only late by a few minutes.

Also I don’t hate the idea of trains. I just wish things were better.

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Me too, hey, have you read some of the reforms Labour wants to implement to make the country better? :eyes:

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Alright, you got a point there. But why compare government to the Goonies? Should we abolish it? :eyes::eyes:

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oh my gosh he’s trying to politisise me :joy:

In all seriousness transport is going to heavily influence my vote :eyes:

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I just like the word Gooberment

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Transport is a hella political subject, I think that’s smart of you

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I think it gets overlooked too much

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ok I need sleep

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I don’t believe in the abolishment of private property but I agree that cars won’t be privately owned for too long:

  1. Public transportation is eco friendly and cheaper to sustain, it gets more people to longer distances so it just makes sense that it gets used a lot.
  2. We’re growing tremendously. We’re 7 billion people and by each second we talk thousands of babies are born. Imagine the madness if every single person in this world will own a car. The traffic would be terrific. To an extent it’s already happening in big cities like NY and London.
  3. Public transportation would be safer as it would probably have autopilot. A lot of companies are creating buses and taxis with autopilots that would limit the distance between a car and the car in front of it, saving space on the street and therefore solving the traffic problem.

I still own a car, I would like to switch to an electrical one soon, but I do think that (an improved version of) public transportation is the future.


I needed this thread i have an essay with this theme

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Ugh, I just missed a bus again because it left almost 5 minutes too early :sweat_smile: I was there 4 minutes before it should go and saw it driving away… Why can’t busses just go on their schedule


Public transportation is the future, but a big problem is that there isn’t enough of it to take you to exactly where you wish to go. And usually not at the right time either. So many are forced to take a car when they could have taken public transport.

I think trains are pretty good where I am - there’s enough if them.ish.

It’s buses that are lacking quantity and quality

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Bump. :black_heart:

Public transportation is better for the environment, but it costs money, which is why I try to walk. :white_heart: Trams and buses get crowded sometimes, which is a nightmare during summer. I drive when it’s too far to walk, even though it isn’t good for the environment.


I prefer walking, but public transport, like Tea said, costs money at the cost of being beneficial to the environment.

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