Discussion: Representation of Christianity in Stories

Diary of a Middle School Teacher… in chapter 9, the MC says that she won’t change her religious beliefs for anyone, and her mom asks the LI in chapter 11 if he’s okay with dating a Christian girl.

My second story is called No Accounting for Taste. It hasn’t been published yet, but I hope to have the first three episodes ready in a couple of weeks. The MC and her family are also Christians, and she actually met her best friends in Sunday School when they were nine years old.


The most religious thing I’ve seen in an Episode story is someone saying “Oh my God!” or something which at this point is more of a common saying more than a religious thing 🤷😂


Im concerned about the new cross being used wrong/disrespectfully.
I gave personal tips on how not to use it but…still never stopped anyone before



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Well said :clap:


I get annoyed. Christians are actually very welcoming and open. We think that regardless if you are or aren’t LGTBQ you will make it to heaven. The bible did say you are judged on your conscience.

Contrary to popular opiniom If a follower of Islam walks onto our church to see how we pray and do we won’t chase them out. It’s shameful and against the law of God.
We don’t try to force anyone into our religon, God said lead by example and others will follow. We will not hide our values or religon but we will not force you to become one lol.

We Christians are so complex and have recently becoming open minded. That’s why it annoys me when we are portrayed like that.

I won’t speak for all but I know most.


Ive never actally met a homophobic or rude forcing religion on you Christian. One of my old best friends was Christian and she never tried forcing me to be one, I did go to her church with her once but thats because we had a sleepover the night before and I figured why not go with.
I myself have always been an atheist and she and her parents were totally whatever and nonchalant about it.

I dont see why peeps make christians or religious peeps in general into evil cult like people.


I’ve met a few really homphobic Christians. The funny thing is that they’re so judgemental, but they’re quick to tell you to stop when you talk about their sins. It’s so hypocritical.

I’m a bisexual Catholic and I don’t think my sexuality is going to send me to hell!


Ive met a few hypocritical Christians aswell.
Someone told my mother that she was going to burn in hell for having me out of wedlock, when that person was very promiscuous as a kid.

Hypocritical people in general are irrittating.


<_< People still aren’t doing it right.


Tbh I’ll read a story and they’ll just make Christians seem like the Mum in the book/movie Carrie. If you haven’t seen/read Carrie then I’ll explain, the mother is heavily religious and abuses Carrie her entire house is filled with Crusifixes and when Carrie gets her first period the mother makes her read bible quotes then locks her in a cupboard to pray to Jesus. As a person who grew up in a christian household I love the book/movie Carrie however it just seems as though alot of people take the abusive christian family and imply that that’s what every christian is like which just isn’t true. I’m not denying the existance of abusive christians it’s just blatantly obvious that not all christians are abusive and close minded.


I most definitely agree with you. I just wish Christians were represented the right way :disappointed:


As a christian, i have to say that we are not terrible people, if a person is homophobic it’s not based on their religion, there might be some who are but we are not terrorists or jerks, we are humans as well.

Christian and proud!


Why does every Christian in the media have to be a creationist? There are so many of us Christians who understand that Genesis isn’t literal


I wanted to add something to this thread… Right now I am on a holiday with a group and one guy in it is gay and really religious and he genuinely is a really cool and nice guy, he’s really funny and a really open, crazy in a good way and friendly person. I wish people like that would be represented way more in Episode… I mean I am not religious myself but it does bother me when I see Christians being shown the way they are


The word “homosexual” wasn’t in the Bible until like the 1950s. Just saying


What do you mean?

So what do you personally follow if you agree the bible is bs?

It’s a translation issue with the “homosexual” thing. But also, I take a lot of the bible more figuratively than literally


I always will argue for the single authors. I don’t like putting people into groups. If I went and wrote a story, I should be able to write my characters however I picture them regardless of how others wrote before me. I personally have never read an episode story where a christian was portrayed rudely, or even portrayed at all so in my mind, I wouldnt be writing like another author did even tho it may look like it.

At the same time, I prob wouldnt write about a crazy religious person at all.

I dont have any major issues with Christians. I graduated from a christian university and I like the majority of the messages that they try to promote and I have religious parents. Although the last time I went to church, 5 years ago. (I only went because I had to for a class) and about 10 minutes of the hour i was there, the preacher was talking about how homosexuality is a sin, so… :woman_shrugging:

I just dont understand how people can follow something that tells you to believe that and other crazy things! :tired_face::tired_face: Ok I know this isnt an argue religion’s thread, so I’ll stop.