I don’t know about you but I have seen Christians in many stories seen as these homophobic and/or sexists jerks. It gets annoying from time to time. I get that there are Christains out there that have terrible ideologies and enforce but not all are like that. Honestly, I know a lot of Christains that are apart of the LGBTQ+ community. I don’t understand why put them in such a terrible position when there are some in the community. Specifically the LGBTQ+ writers or writers who write about them tend to do that a lot.
Do you agree with what I said? Disagree? How do you feel or what do you see Christains
/Christianity represented as?
Not only that–They make some Christains seem psychotic and crazy. Ugh! It irks me.
I’m so tired of the way people portray Christianity in their stories! Sure, there are even some really bigoted people in my church, but they aren’t the only ones out there! I get that we need stories showing how awful some Christians can be, but how about showing both?
I guess they can’t show both? I don’t get this constant hate with Christian’s. I know some are bad but not all. I have a lot of nice friends are Christains. What’s with this entitlement of terrible representation?
Id rant but…itll get long…and controversial
Go for it! No ones going to stop you here! We encourage political discussions! They’re good for writing!
Christians get an awful rep in episode stories. Ppl project it too much cuz they had a had experince with one. Christian ppl arent a monolith they are individual ppl with a common belief and like individuals we act diffrent.
Too many stories have them painted as “homophobic” spouting (probably the only bible verse they know…no offense) rude holier than u stuff. Even if someone doesnt support lgbt stuff doesnt mean they are awful should be condemned but that also doesnt mean they should treat ppl like they are fucked up. In most cases ive seen christian people not be extreme about their beliefs(but aye im bias here)though u have those ones…the nicest person i met was an lgbt person i gave him sweets when i had money. U treat ppl like they are ppl even if ur beliefs differ.
I read a story where the mom was a christian woman and she was portrayed as overbearing and “crazy” and overprotective. Ik uve probably seen my rant about tht story before (where the guy takes the MCs scarf off her uniform to look at her chest cuz she had “too many clothes on” and he didnt recognize her) that story was great directing and i wanted to finish it but couldnt cuz felt like it was mocking my faith. The MC rolling her eyes every chance she got at her mom or at the reverend when he came over… i feel tht story was going too far. The MC got the choice to be good or cliche bad girl. I dont know how tht story ended but dont think i wanna…
Just read another one where the MCs mom was again modest dressing overbearing christian mom. The frick…
This is so true! There’s so much variation in denominations, yet we’re all portrayed as being the same. Some churches fight for things like LGBTQ rights, but of course we get lumped in with communities that treat people badly, are overbearing and judgemental.
Episode really doesn’t help, either. I mean, the only featured story prominently involving Christians features a girl who feels the need to leave her overbearing Christian community (Georgia) and a lot of the Christian people in her town favour a male teacher who a predatory relationship with a teacher. Apparently it’s her fault? What poor representation of Christians!
I’m sick of it, frankly. I want to see some cool Christians for a change. That’s part of the reason why The Bad Games (by @SenchaStories and me) is set in a Catholic school.
I agree. I mean, until finally Christianity (or religion, at all) represented, authors put it in a bad position (I saw a story whose author “dressed the Christians up” as the bad characters - they create them as gangsters, for instance.)
If you represent religion, do it appropriately, and don’t give the Christian characters the bad role everytime you represent the religion ! (Jeez…). It is annoying that authors put Christianity in a bad position, and some other ones do the same - over and over again .
By the way, @PensiveShadow, you wrote “Christainity” instead of “Christianity”(on both title and the post itself)
I completely agree. I know that some Christians are bad people and we should be able to represent that, but don’t we have enough stories about bad Christians?
I don’t know why so many authors are obsessed with making the same stuff that’s already here 500 times
Exactly. The thing is that authors do this over and over again and other ones repeat the same deed.
You’d think they’d want to make their story different. Why is everyone so hell-bent on copying bad representation from one another? Is that really how they see every single member of the Christian community? Or…?
Think of it. Them trying to look for excuses why to do so (or not to represent religions at all) is very ridiculous and only proves to me their negligence and indifference towards the subject of representing religion.
I agree.
Christians are mostly represented as homophobes, bigots, people with 1800’s views on things. All the time, when the MC is Christian they’re trying to run away and abandon their Christianity. How about change it up? What about somebody who’s proud of their religion? A Christian who is part of the LGBTQ+ community? I’m so fed up with these stereotypes. I have Christian friends who support LGBTQ+, are LGBTQ+ and ones who don’t. Not every Christian is a rude, homophobe who shoves their views down everyone’s throat. For goodness sake, people should stop stereotyping.
Tell me about it! It’s very strange to me. Sure there are Christians who do bad stuff. But at the same time, there are so many of us out there who just try to be good people and love and accept everyone. The judgemental Christian trope is tired, especially in LGBTQ stories. We know there are Christians out there who don’t support LGBTQ rights. What about those of us who do? What about actually representing the teachings in Christianity for a change?
That’s so true! I have noticed that in a lot of stories! I don’t know much about the religion, but I know some awesome open minded people who are Christians.
Not everyone is like that!
As a Christian who isn’t no where homophobic I’m pretty hurt to see Christians be made the bad people and evil to everyone and throws their belief in others faces and claims that’s why they’re the way they are. Mainly because the Bible does talk about Homosexuality but the Lord never said to hate or send people to hell ourselves. Heck someone can be a Christian and still LGBTQ+ like I find nothing wrong with that and neither does the Bible. Yeah the Lord has certain ideas but he doesn’t hate or turn people away. So when I see Christians being rude or acting all perfect it annoys me. It even happens at school at times. People get confused when I say I’m a Christian because I’m friends with a lesbian or I flirt with females sometimes and they get shook But hey that’s kinda how society and other Christians wanna be looked as. That they’re perfect and can walk over everyone. I just hope someday this all changes.
I agree… I can’t stand those types of stories! Of course there are those extrememly judgemental Christians, but there are also many Christians are kind and respectful.
It’s sad that most stories only focus on the judgemental types. In both of my stories, the MCs are Christians who embrace their faith and beliefs instead of having it be used as a plot device that the MC wants to escape from.
Welcome to the forums! I’m glad that you’ve got stories with cool Christian representation. What are the names of your stories?