Discussion: Representation of Judaism in Episode

Hey, guys.

I feel like I might regret posting this post later, but I really need to spill it out, because it’s been sitting on me recently. And maybe some of you will see it useless and unnecessary that I am opening it, but I really feel that I need to say it anyway. Taking a deep breath.

So, as some of you know, I am Jewish, diversity supporter, and support changes for the better and I do all I can do to help people who are interested in creating and adding Jewish characters into their story represent Judaism right. And I appreciate it that there are people, even if not a lot, but still people who care about representation of Judaism and anything else in general.

So I don’t know what about you, but I saw 2 stories of Episode (if I am not wrong, or one story is of someone else’s) and in one of them a Jewish character was made as a villain. That’s at least the only Jewish character. It’s like they just go by the anti-Semitic mindset. And by doing it, they just reinforced anti-Semitic claims. I thought that one of the purpose of adding diversity is to bust stereotypes, not to reinforce them. And in other story of Episode, they made a Jewish character say “scr*w my bar mitzva”.

You get what I’m trying to tell you? When finally non-Jewish authors include at least one Jewish character, they put them in a bad position. I am not saying that you should always incluse a Jewish character or more into your stories, but I’d really appreciate it if some people will not put them in a bad position this time (when we just started to include diversity). And I am not asking you to make them such righteous and angels.
And I feel like some people just don’t see Jews as human beings, just like them. Just because we are having different lifestyle and customs, it doesn’t mean that we are not humans with feelings and aspiration.

You know something? I started feeling like some people hate Jews. Yes, I said that. I know that some of you might think that I am crazy who put ideas into her heads, but yeah, unfortunately anti-Semitism is everywhere. And you know what? You can never know for any possibilities. Someone can attack you for your religion or race/ethnicity. No one is protected from it. No matter how many rules they make to prevent it, it can happen anyway (and I really hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else or to me).

And sometimes I do have these thoughts that some people might hate me for being a Jew (or they just hold a personal grudge against me).

I don’t understand why put us in an awful position.

Do you agree or disagree with what I said?


  1. Please be respectful when commenting. I don’t wish to be attacked by anyone here nor do I want any fights here to be open.

  2. Stay on topic.


Conspiracy theorists always use anti-Semitism for some reason, it’s what makes me hate them.

Just because one apple is bad doesn’t mean the whole bunch is.


I don’t understand what makes these theorists and other people think that we Jews want to control the world. Other anti-Semitic claims have got to other peoples, including the ones that have never even got to see and meet a Jewish person in their lives.


I’ve heard one saying that the Holocaust was fake! Madness I tell ya!

Another one saying that Obama was “controlled by Jews”.

The people who claim that are just Holocaust deniers.

Not surprising.
No matter what, people will always look for all reasons in the world to hate the Jewish people.

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Exactly. It’s just sad.

Better representation, better stories.

This goes to everyone by the way.

Bump :star_of_david:

If I’m not wrong I think it’s because the richest families in the world are Jews themselves and they’re often (stupidly may I add) associated with the illuminati.
I noticed a huge lack of representation as well, I’ve always been confused to why Episode never did a Jewish Heritage Month Shelf


Way more and better representation.


I don’t know what judaism is, other than that it’s a religion and tbh I don’t really care, in the end everyone is just another person so…

But every person deserves representation… hell, I don’t see enough Asian characters on episode, and I’m not an Asian myself.

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I’m not saying they don’t, just that representation doesn’t really matter to me.

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Why’s that? (just curious)

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