Discussion: Should transgender children be able to have sex change treatments & operations? 🦋

That’s true but it’s still a awfully big decision for a young person. Though it depends on the person and how they were brought, I suppose.

No need to, puberty blockers!


Puberty blockers aren’t life-altering surgery, if the teen decides comes to the conclusion that they aren’t trans then they can just revert. As easily as that



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My friend said he started Testosterone and is doing well.

To be honest no. Believe it or not children know more than we think at their age. They should be given that opportunity to choose.

The surgery is pretty dangerous so it would be best to wait until they’ve stopped developing completely to prevent complications. You stop developing at 18. And that’s just from a medical point of view.

The child can just use puberty blockers then :eyes:

Another possibility

Bumping this thread. I stand by what I said earlier.

There absolutely isn’t a “too young” to be transgender, gender is a social thing.

Nope they shouldn’t, but they should be able to change things like appearance/name/pronouns to help them, but a life altering surgery at a young age is a big no. It has been stated on this thread that puberty blockers exist. This gives the child a chance to wait until they are old enough to make the desicion but they can also transition socially. You don’t need surgery to be trangender and there is this horrible mindset people have where they say they’ll only address trans people as their preferred pronoun if they get the surgery which really really disgusts me.


hol’ up, there’s people like this? how clownishly transphobic :clown_face:

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Omg that’s so dumb :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

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Personally I don’t think surgery is a good idea but hormones and blockers might be options to look at it teen years :eyes:


I agree

Surgery, no. Stuff like trying hormones and blockers like @katabasis said should be okay, but only as experiments. We should give kids room to change their mind and see what they like before they make an ultimate decision.

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