Discussion: Sign Language

Sign languages are languages that use visual signs, often made by the user’s hands, to convey meaning. Even though they aren’t verbal, they are still fully formed languages with their own grammar concepts. However, they are unique to their region and there are many different types of sign languages including ASL (American Sign Language), BSL (British Sign Language), JSL (Japanese Sign Language), and many more.

Some discussion questions:

  • Do you know sign language or know anyone who uses sign language?
  • If not, would you ever consider learning it?
  • Have you ever encountered it in the media?



I actually really wanna learn it for multiple reasons like, it can be really good in certain situations to be able to communicate this way and tbh I wish they taught this in school as a non-optional thing instead of French (in my school French was mandatory for 3 years)


I’ve been learning it myself through YouTube videos and websites, but in the future, it’s something I want to take classes for!

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I do know sign language, and I know people who use it as well!

“A Quiet Place” has ASL, which is awesome!!

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I know a little but it’s the dutch versions I think (because I’ve heard sign is language related as well).
I know 'my name is meeke" and random words like vegetables

but I have been wanting to learn sign language for about 1.5 years now.
I’m rn starting a new study so it’s probably going to be either something in a later stage of the study or after this one. :thinking:

One of my friend used American Sign Language and I did take a American sign language class in high school.

I still have a book on sign language so I can sign sometimes as practice.

Also if you check YouTube there are easy sign for sign language as well for song. Here my favorite one to try to do.

I have seen it more on American news articles than ones here. I used to go to summer camp every year, an Anglican church camp. The last year I went as a camper, they had some deaf kids for one camp. (a camp was about 10 days at the time) There were also a few teachers from their school who interpreted for us and them. It was a bit of an experiment to see how it worked out, and it worked so well, they came back the next year when I was on staff. I learned the sign language alphabet as well as a few words. Because of that, I always wanted to learn sign language, but never did.::sigh::

I know our sign language, my mom and I have been learning it for some time now but I also want to learn ASL because there are a lot of things that are different!

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A great resource I’ve recently discovered for learning ASL is this channel on YouTube called Glass Menagerie

They’re a sign language instructor who has recently started uploading their entire curriculum on YouTube for free and every week, they upload a lesson video as well as a fun/extra practice video

@Discussions - do you know of any other sign language resources?


I think in NZ we have a few ways to learn it since it is an official language here.
I just found this site that seems relatively easy to follow.

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