Discussion: Smells that remind you of childhood

To go with this weeks theme, does anyone have any smells that remind them of their childhood? For me, it would be this perfume that I have, which is the scent that my great-grandmother used to wear. Every time I smell it, it reminds me of being at her house.


My kindergarten teacher used to wear this strong and specific perfume, so whenever someone wears it I instantly remember it.

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Not a specific scent, but there are those weird moments where a smell makes me remember a specific day and/or event :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

Next cigarettes
Tiger balm
And some other stuff


  • Chalk
  • Cold Noodles/Ramen


Umm…maybe candy, perfume, glue. I can’t think of anything else



I had to do work experience at my Primary school and when I went into the hall during lunch time that smell took me right back.


Gosh, so many.

A certain deoderant makes me think of drawing Star Wars characters in my old, old, old bedroom when I was tiny



Do you like it when smells remind you of your childhood? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

Probably playdough :woman_shrugging:

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That’s very true. Playdough and crayons.

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Certain soaps remind me of when I was a teenager :sunflower: :coffee: :sparkles: :yellow_heart:

I remember when I went to Greece on vacation for the first time, when I was four… there were certain foods and drinks they served at a wedding that stayed in my memory. When I went back, years later, those smells reminded me of that wedding.

TCP, Iodine and Cough drops. They remind me of when I was eight

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Sometimes there’s a certain smell that’ll take me back to when I was young. How come I’m never able to identify where it’s coming from? I’d make a candle out of it if I ever found it, try to sell it, never sell out of it, I’d probably only sell one.

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Crayola crayons and bubble tape!


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Hmmmm…yoplait whipped yogurt.

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