Discussion: talking back to teachers

This would be disgusting


That is basically what I’m trying to say :joy:


Lol, i just did with less text :rofl:


Don’t get me started :joy:


Lol, you can’t imagine


All this talking back to teachers, got me mad as hell, i wanna quit school.


Yeah I had like three really bad teachers, and two of them managed to destroy my life .__.

So um. Yeah. For your own sake, don’t talk back to them


In sixth form it’s alot more laid back we’re on a first name basis with the teachers and honestly they are so nice. I never really liked the whole Mr/Miss/Mrs thing. I kinda wanted them to call me Miss. [REDACTED]


Now you see there’s this, no student should have to feel this way because of the way a teacher has behaved. I’m not saying teachers are perfect because anybody who abuses a position of authority like that is unacceptable cough Umbridge cough

I don’t mind people talking back if a teacher has been rude but talking back because you don’t want to do work for no valid reason is not cool.


I don’t even know why I bothered redacting my surname it’s in my bio :joy:

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The same teacher that got mad at me for “talking back” (she accused me of doing something I didn’t do and she wouldn’t let me explain myself) was same teacher that told me I should talk more. Tf am I supposed to do then? :triumph:

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That confuses me

Also just to show that I’m not a complete suck up to teachers I’ll write a list of valid things I don’t mind people talking back about.

  • being sent out a room for coughing
  • being told you can’t go to the toilet even with a note
  • racism/sexism/homophobia
  • blatant insults and rudeness
  • abusing power
  • singling you out (e.g. holding your work up infront of the class to make fun of) this happened to my brother who has epilepsy, he had a seizure the night before his homework was due (he’d been given a day to do it) so he’d only half completed it, his teacher yelled at him infront of the class, passed his work around and gave him a detention, my Mum went in and scolded the teacher.

There are other situations too


Infact that teacher really was a bully to my brother, me and my oldest brother have alot in common in the sense that we were both a little different and both got bullied, the differences lie in the sense that we both handled it differently.

My brother was at a point in his life where he really didn’t need a tyrant teacher trying to make his life difficult. There was once a parents evening where this teacher said to my Mum “he’s awful but I bet you’ve been hearing that all evening” she was shocked because all the other teachers had said nice things and this guy was just an a**hole.

I think it depends on the situation and teacher. If the student has no reason to be talking back then they shouldn’t talk back and they are being rude. If they have a really good reason to talk back, I wouldn’t recommend it but I’m not gonna say it’s wrong. I don’t think people should be punished for talking back to teachers unless they’re doing it often and are causing a distraction/scene often. We have a student in one of my classes who always talks and interrupts… Teacher took him to the office one time because of it, and I think it was justified because the student was being distracting, and having a small class didn’t help the situation lol.


if students talk back to the teacher it usually means the teacher is a bad one

also disagree and talkback is two diffrent things.

I dont remember much my first part of the school. and my last part was in a special needs class. where it was very encouraging to talk. they even removed the raise you hand rule(which you can when there are only kids in the class and non like to speak)


I agree to an extent, my teachers were quite good most of the time it was the kid who was causing the problems, for example continuing to talk after being asked nicely to stop then complaining when they are told to move seats or even leave the room because they just won’t stop talking.

Given, the teacher should have more control over the class but the blame goes both ways.

I’m afraid of talking back to my teachers.

I’m scared they’ll hold a grudge and give me bad grades.


I’m such a hypocrite gosh darn it I talked back to my tutor today because we were supposed to be writing our UCAS applications but I couldn’t do it (I couldn’t concentrate plus it isn’t due for months) she was like “it won’t be my fault if you don’t get it done” I was like “oh I’ll get it done” she looked mad then came and sat next to me. #rebel



During my college years (if you’re American, it’s similar to high school aged 16-21 years old), I always talked back to this teacher who is Pakistani and oh man I hated him because he always had a habit of defending the other boys who were picking on me.

In university, I was worst because the sh*t they were teaching at university was freaking terrible!!