So in school or whatever (I’m in sixth form) we all have that kid in class who talks back to the teacher, some of us might even be that kid, who knows .
I made this thread because I want to know what your opinions are on it.
I think for the most part it’s not really acceptable. Believe what you want about school and teachers, they’re paid crap and have zero control over the curriculum. They are in a far worse situation than the kids they’re teaching, so making their day worse is a bit of a d1ck move.
That being said, there are situations when it’s necessary. Needing the bathroom is one. It is against the law in the UK to keep someone from using a school bathroom. So if a teacher is trying to stop you from going when you actually need, you can just walk out the door.
Secondly, if they’re attacking you unfairly or unjustly. I once told a teacher to f*ck right off because she was being a major @sshole to my friend, I come to find out because she didn’t like the fact he was gay
I got kicked out of higher music for that though, a course I was very much enjoying. The teachers you need to stand up to often are the ones who can destroy the course of your life. So, maybe think twice before you do it. Trust me
The teacher has their own stuff going on so a disruptive student is probably the last thing they need. Also, the kid talking back to the teacher usually holds up the lesson and this affects the whole class.
On the other hand, respect is earned not given. Every student has the right to defend themselves from a teacher, especially if that teacher is falsely accusing the student of something.
It really depends on the situation. I was raised to never talk back to older people especially my teachers, but if they did or said something that’s offensive or rude or just not right i would definitely say something.
It depends on the teacher. Some of them need to be put in their place. I had a teacher once who was teaching my class incorrect information. I had to talk back. And I’m usually a teacher’s pet! But you told us to read the damn book and now you’re contradicting the information in it!
Well, students aren’t robots and always need to talk nicely to the teacher while the teacher just mistreats them, you gotta talk back, even if the teachers go through a hard time, it doesn’t give them the right to be so moody in class.
To be honest, when the teachers used to be mean to me I had to talk back at them because they don’t have the right to treat me like that. cough primary school teacher cough for 4 years that passively aggressively body shamed me in front of the class.
Exactly! I didn’t like how she was talking about growing boobs & bum during puberty just because I was the first out of all the students to get periods and stuff. I was so angry about that.
Not going to lie, I didn’t feel bad when I tread on her foot. If she didn’t body shame me in the first place, none of that would happen.
What angers me is that my dad is still friends with her even though he doesn’t have her contact details. I ain’t having her over my crib, lecturing me about why I ain’t got a fella or stuff like that. Even worse that she’s a hardcore Christian and my dad defends her when I call her out for her bullsh*t!
For students, it’s always “if you have a problem go to___” like it’s nothing. We never get excuses for anything. Anytime something goes wrong it’s always education first and yet this energy is barely given for teachers.
Overall, I don’t like when people do it for seemingly no reason. I know they don’t want to be there and it seems cool/rebellious/funny to talk back to the teacher but it really isn’t, it just wastes time and holds up the class, if you really don’t want to be in there then just do all the work and allow the flow to go normally but I hate having my time wasted by somebody who can’t bite their tongue for an hour.
Unless it’s about something like the teacher is being racist/homophobic/sexist or whatever in which case talk back all you want and report them. But if it’s just because you can’t be bothered doing the work then spare me the headache.
The “too cool for school” attitude irritates me because people made fun of me for being a goody two shoes and a teachers pet, then 5 minutes later would be asking to copy my work because they hadn’t paid attention.
I know I sound like a “try hard” as they were called in my school but why wouldn’t I try hard when there are some countries out there that don’t offer free education or even education to females?
Besides why would I fight on the side of the students who bullied me? I used to enjoy going to class because I could sit in my corner and do my work, it was my escape because they couldn’t make fun of me in there and the teachers used to compliment me and my work, something my own “friends” never even did.
With that said yeah some teachers are a**holes but the ones I’ve had were fortunately very nice and were just there to help us. They know we don’t want to be there so why make life difficult?
Unless you have a rock solid plan of what you would do without an education and I mean rock solid then just don’t act the rebel it’s embarrassing.
Some teachers take out their frustrations on their class because they know that they hold power in the classroom and that their students can’t fight back.
There are some limits when talking back to teachers, when a teacher just does their job and never mistreats students then why talk back to them? These people just work their a$$es off to teach us (some teach us useless) things, if you talk back to them for no reason, then you are just problematic.
BUT if a teacher insults a student (call them slt, b**, hooker) for breaking dress code, instead of explaining why they can’t dress like that, then f*** you, teacher.