Discussion: TBHs and Rates on Social Media

I haven’t used social media in a while, but I remember there was this trend where someone would title their post “Comment for a TBH” or “Comment for a Rate”. Generally, if you ask for a ‘TBH’, the person sends you a message which is supposed to be ‘honest’ but most people just say things like “tbh you’re super nice and pretty and we should talk more”. If you ask for a ‘Rate’, the person gives you a ‘rate’ out of 10 based on how you look (which I think is kinda weird :eyes:)

  • What are your opinions on TBHs and rates?
  • Have you ever asked for/received one?
  • Have you ever given one?



THAT STUFF IS SO WEIRD EW i never do it gross

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IKRRRR 13-year-old me was so desperate for attention so I always asked for one :sob:

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i wanted one at one point but my mom wouldn’t let me lol. smart woman

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LOL my mom didn’t even know I had social media :star_struck:

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what’s so bad about them?

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yeah :pensive: sad times
the person gave me a 3/10, and down went my self confidence :woozy_face:

I gave one to my friend as a joke haha

then she got offended cause I gave her 9/10 instead of 10/10

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for rankings and tbhs, they’re pretty dumb :star_struck:

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Ok that’s really mean :sob: I’m sorry



lol i was too lazy to sneak around
like for what? that shiz seemed addictive asf anyways and ur just feeding egos

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I usually just ignore them. Like, if I don’t like them am I just supposed to be like “you’re a terrible person and I hate you”?


haha yeah, it was my crush lol

stop you’re being too nice :sob: you’re beautiful too :eyes::triumph:

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I mean ig if that person wants to know what other people think

But even then, people will lie and send tbhs too positive, or negative if they’re trolls


HAHAHAHAHA they’re kind of of funny to read sometimes

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Okay apparently I need to clarify something leleelell

So if the someone posts “comment for a tbh”, the person commenting is the one who receives the tbh from the person who posted “comment for a tbh”


Never tried it, I was always too lazy to ask :eyes::sparkles:

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I asked my cousin to fap a TBH on my sister he said “Gay” and that was it

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Sounds super weird

I never even heard of them until now :star_struck:

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