DISCUSSION: Tourism Re-Opening In The Bahamas

One word am going to say is… WTH!!!

By the number of confirmed cases we have, and deaths that we have, YOU STILL WANT TO RE-OPEN!!! WTH.



I mean sure, bills have to pays, gotta get food etc, but think about it, we have 1 hundred something confirmed cases, and u want to re-open…but your choice whether you want to go to work or not. Just stay safe, I rest my case. IF I DIE FROM CORONA, SO BE IT. :man_facepalming:



Bruh. Why? I don’t want a re-opening here either, or anywhere with the amount of cases the US has


and u see why I don’t trust the government, WTH ARE THEY F* THINKING!!!


I would like to go to the Bahamas but the airplanes are the things I’m more concerned about, germs wise


See? that’s the thing right there, THEY DON’T SEE WTH HAPPENING IN THE US.

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We don’t even know if the virus is actually contained in other countries yet.

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See? that’s the thing right there again, people have to let others know if other countries have the virus contained, before doing anything at all, unless they say something. For example, we don’t know if US or Canada have the virus contained, we don’t know. We don’t know if more cases are being confirmed. Sigh, I am staying my hip home, simple as that.

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Like Japan?

The US does not have the virus contained, but the media is being very vague about it.

Haha, you better! I only go out for essential stuff.

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Same, my mom goes for food tht we need in the house, and it is it, nothing else.

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Yeah, I’ve been watching, and seeing it on Youtube too.

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Idk what is currently, going on in Japan right now, so idk.

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Didn’t Beijing start reinstating restrictions based on the virus because of the rise of new cases in China? Since there’s been an increase of cases worldwide and the fears of a second wave occurring, I don’t think this move is wise for reopening for tourism.


My point exactly…

Added some tags for you :sparkles:

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So how did this go then?

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