Discussion: What Do You Think About Tattoos and Piercings?

So thanks to the success we had when speaking about makeup and cosmetic surgery, I thought I’d move onto another interesting discussion topic that I like talking about. Hopefully, you’ll find it as interesting as I do!

So, as the title implies, I’d love to know what you think about tattoos and piercings! Personally, I think they can look gorgeous if done tastefully. I’ve always wanted a tattoo and I had stretched ears when I was a teenager. I’d never do that again, though. I’m just glad I didn’t go too far and my ears went back to normal afterwards!

So here are some questions to get the discussion going:

  • What do you think of tattoos?
  • What do you think of piercings?
  • Do you have tattoos or piercings?
  • Would you ever get any/more?
  • Are there any types of tattoos or piercings that you think are better than others? Places on the body that you think work better for them?

Personally, I think sleeves look amazing on guys and I love lip piercings. I only have the typical ear piercings at the moment. I really want wrist tattoos because I’m going to be doing office jobs and I don’t want anything that could jeopardise that. Plus, I might be moving to Japan, China or South Korea to teach English by the end of 2019, and Japan and Korea for sure aren’t keen on the whole tattoo thing. So subtlety is my friend!

  • What do you think of tattoos?
    At first they CAN look pretty good but overtime they always look really bad
  • What do you think of piercings?
    I really don’t like them sorry…
  • Do you have tattoos or piercings?
    Nope and that is because I always want something else at the same spot. I can’t stick to one tattoo. After a month or so I want to remove things like that
  • Would you ever get any/more?
    I don’t think so. Unless my mother dies maybe I try to do something with her ashes and create a tattoo from it ? But I’m not sure
  • Are there any types of tattoos or piercings that you think are better than others? Places on the body that you think work better for them?
    I don’t like colored tattoos. They have to be black and with a lot of shading. And piercings… I really don’t like them at all

What do you think of tattoos?

  • I’m a qualified tattoo artist actually, all I would need to open my own tattoo parlour is a small loan to get started and an updated health and safety course. So, that said, I love tattoos! I think they’re awesome, and I love seeing people with them too! :smiley:

What do you think of piercings?

  • Piercings are similar to me, they’re very cool. I think some look cooler than others, but someone can pull even the silliest sounding piercing - I know they can xD

Do you have tattoos or piercings?

  • I don’t at the moment

Would you ever get any/more?

  • I would love to get tattoos and piercings. Eyebrow piercing, ear probably. Tattoo-wise? Geez, I want a good few. Forearm tattoo, large back tattoo, shoulder, upperarm. I want a few, but they’d all be easy to hide with a jacket or shirt for a professional workspace if need be.

Are there any types of tattoos or piercings that you think are better than others? Places on the body that you think work better for them?

  • Not really. I think certain piercings and tattoo placements look silly personally? Like facial tattoos, those weird chain piercings that go from ear to nose, stuff like that. But if I see someone with them and they pull it off, there’s no issue really.

Personally, I’m not sure if I agree with this. I know a lot of older people who have tattoos that look great on them! If placed well, I don’t see why they’d have to look bad. If you mean that the tattoo itself will go out of fashion, I think it depends on what you get.


Maybe it’s that I have just seen different tattoo’s. The ones I have seen lose color by time or the black will turn in a ugly greenish color :face_vomiting: . I really haven’t seen any tattoo that still looked good over time


That’s fair enough! We’ve definitely got better at creating tattoos that last, but there are some disasters. There’s this UK TV show where people go to these tattoo artists to get tattoos fixed and some of them go there because the original tattoo faded into something that just looks like a colourful blob!


That sounds incredibly cheap, like. Dangerously cheap. That ink could break down into the skin in bad ways


Nah. I don’t encourage people to do tattoes on their bodies. But, if you want, go ahead. Who am I to tell you not to do it? I don’t feel like it’s my place to tell someone “don’t do it at all”, but I’d recommend not to do it.

Depends on where do you do piercing. I wouldn’t do piercing on: nose, eyebrows, lip and denifintely not belly, not to talk about tongue piercing :scream:.
But, I admit that nose can look nice

Tattoes - absolutely not, and piercing - I have only on my ears.

The answer is clear. (smh)

Nah. I’ll pass.

Wow I always thought that it was normal. Considering all my father’s black tattoos turnend into that ugly green color and if they were to green for his liking he would often go back to the same tattoo shop. I don’t know Wich one it was though

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They would just redo them again with black ink

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Yeah, it technically shouldn’t do that. Especially not nowadays. In training we were taught that discolouration is an issue with the ink.

Usually tattoos start to look bad because your body changes shape over time. Which is why you should get one past the age of 21, when you’re not growing anymore. Then you just need to. Not gain a whole lot of weight really fast, which can also be an issue >.<


I loove tattoos and piercings. I think they are so cool and look so pretty on those who have them. There are some places where I don’t really like piercings like around or on the lips but those who I’ve seen have them make them look so good.
If it was not for my religion, I can guarantee that I would’ve had a few piercings and tattoos already. I’m still planning on getting some tattoos but that will be when I move out and start living on my own.




That looks so pretty! :heart_eyes:

It kinda turns me on idk :joy:


Why do you think I did a tattooing course, it’s hot as hell


Andy Biersack is a gorgeous, gorgeous man and the tattoos and piercings just add to that for me!


Definitely. He’s at that line of having a ton, but not overdoing it and I love that


If you are already a tattoo artist, you can make a tattoo on your own body, can’t you? (It can save you a money :wink:)

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I’d need to buy the gun and everything, but for the forearm tattoo? Maybe! I feel it would be awkward trying shoulder, chest or back tattoos myself xD I would try, but it would probably fail


He was 29 when he got them and he sports a lot so no he never gained weight they just turned green and I remember that it turned green really fast. I don’t know the exact time because I was only 9 or 10 years old and I didn’t really care but he always needed to redo them every year. I don’t have any contact with him anymore so I don’t know everything about the tattoo’s not do I know if the shop that he used to go to was actually a good shop. I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t considering the fact that my father always likes to have his stuff as cheap as possible