Discussion: What makes somebody your friend?

Nothing, I just don’t want you to waste your time on people who leave you on read :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


Added a discussion tag :purple_heart:

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Well basically just someone I can talk to, if it’s online.

If it’s irl, then you’d need to bear my annoying self and give me some reactions so it’d be fun. Of course, you can also try to annoy me too, if you can think of ways. :eyes:

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I am a good friend :innocent:
I talk about my friends in front of them, but only just to annoy them and as a joke


Lol I have a friend who doesn’t reply sometimes but it’s just probably them being busy with their work. I get that they have their own lives and well, I don’t think I should be constantly bothering/pestering them everyday so I just send a message once in a while to see if they reply.

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I say if you both call eachother friends then you’re friends. However when it comes to REAL friends, I think that you have to support eachother.


I agree with everything in the OP.

I want a friend to care about me, have my back, talk to me often, helps me out, and be someone I can trust.

I have a best friend in real life and it’s honestly like a fairy tale. She is one of the few best things that have ever happened to me. She’s like that supportive best friend in movies and books that I always wished existed, but never really believed in. We text every single day before and after school, and try to see each other as much as we can during the school day. When I was in hospital, I told her the truth about why I was there, and she was so supportive and kind and she’d text me every day and ask how I was doing. Every time I miss school, she leaves over 10 voicemails asking me where I am and if I’m ok. I honestly just love her with all my heart. I never believed someone like that could exist.

Yes, ok, I’m done.


Someone who has your back and doesn’t disappear on you when things get rough.


Where I volunteer to work, people who support me during piano recital and came to see me play. Also a little drama behind the kitchen doesn’t hurt at all.

But unfortunately they retired from work.

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Well, most of my friends and I have shared interests and goals. We’ve hung out frequently to know most things about each other. i’m not bumping this thread


Most of my friends are people who I work with for three years. Also buy me chocolate candy every Christmas. Peanut butter cup are best.

If we talk often you’re my friend :eyes:

Friends who send together stay together

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They gotta stand by you and always ask you your side of a fight before they take a side.


Do you think that if a person considers you as a friend, it makes them your friend, too? :eyes::sparkles:

(Added some tags :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:)

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If they are my friend then that makes them my friend

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Not necessarily


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