When you worry about something or someone you think that something bad is going to happen but then it turns out that something good happened.
When someone tells you “he/she is fine, no need to worry”, but you worry all the time. How do you guys feel when you are worried about something or someone?
Whenever I’m worried then I can’t sleep and I always cry. I once didn’t sleep for a few days simply because I was worried. I never tell other people about it though because they either laugh at me or tell me to grow up
I always get just- A really bad gut feeling. And it’s really annoying/distracting! I get worried over the most stupid things - like whether or not my friends are gonna cancel plans or something. It makes it hard to focus, haha.
I’ve been doing this recently, there’s this short easy meditation I know that takes like a minute to do and I have been jittery lately and it’s calmed me down.
As a worrier, I’m also guilty of doing this ;—; Ironically, I am always worried that I give incorrect or useless advice when it comes to this (or anything really).
Some people say I overthink but I’ve gotten so used to it now. I tend to overanalyse all aspects of whatever I’m worried about and I usually won’t stop thinking about it until I consider it ‘resolved’ or something more worrying comes up…
I tend to worry about saying the wrong thing or offending people for [reasons] ;-;
Does anyone say something and then stare at the person you’re talking to and think “they hate me, don’t they?” even though they’ve done nothing to suggest that?
I do it at work all the time “I made a joke. He’s going to fire me, isn’t he?”