Discussion: Writer's block tricks

Writer’s block, many people struggle with it. There’s a blog post on Shannii’s blog about some ways to deal with it.

I hope you’ve read that already! :smile_cat:
Here are some other tips from me to overcome writer’s block:
• Go for a walk
• Do sports
• Brainstorm ideas and write them down in bullet points
• Play games
• Develop a writing routine
• Take a shower (or just a break)

Do you have any other tips?
What do you think about the tricks in Shannii’s blog and the one’s I’ve listed?
Have you tried any of them and did it work for you?


Lately I’m doing more sports than usual (thanks to @fraud) and I really feel more relaxed and ready to write after that. Before doing sports, I often just want to force some words or a good plot out of my head but there’s nothing. And after or while doing sports, I just get good ideas without even trying to. Maybe it has something to do with hormones that get released through doing sports or it’s because I just get my mind away from everything for some time.

It think taking breaks and getting away from writing and everything that has something to do with it really helps me. I just get so annoyed of myself when I can’t write anything good because of writer’s block, getting away from that is not only good for my writing but also for my sanity :joy:


Hahahaha why am I not sporting too? :sob:

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because you don’t have Writer’s block and you’re studying :joy:

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@Discussions does anyone have more tips or some experiences with the ones I gave?


Taking a walk or listening to calming music usually gets me in the mood to write! :banana::sparkles:


maybe write down you day/doddle stuff keep doing that until an idea hits. i mean sometimes i do that for creative measures


Read over your old work! That’s what I do occasionally, I was doing it yesterday


I use music, games and books to get me back in the mood to write. I found playing Sims makes me want to write again because I’m immersing myself into a character in the game. I make my characters in from my stories in my games usually.

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Honestly, if I’m struggling with a particular story, I leave it alone for a bit and then return to it.

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I do the same thing! When I try to write when I have writer’s block, it just ends up turning out really bad!

Sometimes I realize that I just don’t like writing a particular scene and then I end up changing the storyline or scene a little bit if I didn’t like writing it. Because if I don’t like writing it, I don’t know why I would like to read it lol. I ended up having to change my storyline for one of my stories a lot because of this, I was just dreading writing a part of it so I just didn’t write that part and cut it entirely out of the story… and it was a big part of the story too. So if you’re like me you can do that lol.

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Same, honestly! If I can’t stand writing a scene, I change it or remove it. That’s usually how I get Writer’s block in the first place… writing a scene that I’m just not into.


Lower your standards and begin writing again.


All of these are way better suggestions than my usual just ignore whatever you’re working on until you forget about it routine :joy:

I like to do some exercise and talk to people, and if that doesn’t work just try to write something

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@Writers do you have any more tips?

My biggest one is take breaks and go outside, being in the nature can really help you get new ideas and be more creative again.


I’d sleep when I used to have writer’s block… it did help

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@Writers How do you get over your writer’s block?


I shake my computer and yell at the moon, then it gifts me with the power to dissolve my writer’s block


Idk what I do it just comes and goes i guess


When I have writer’s block, I usually:

  • Go to the gym as usual
  • Read a book or watch a film for inspiration
  • write in my diary about my thoughts & feelings
  • Read tips about creative writing
  • Cuddle with my cat
  • Listen to music for some inspiration
  • Drink tea or coffee
  • Go shopping

Procrastinate on your writing work. Do other things (anything which you feel like doing, honestly) to make your brain relax (or go into overdrive pressure, if that helps you too).

Watch a movie because that gives you inspiration. Or read a book, if you are into reading. And, I don’t know, daydream a lot? Yes, daydream :blush: