Do demons exist or are they made up figments we created?

Do demons exist or are they made up? There are multiple connotations to the concept of “made up” so answer this in many ways you’d like on that part, but I use the word “exist” denotatively. (Meaning I mean it by the technical term.)

@Discussions I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

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so i was watching Kelsie Davies (most likely butchered her name, sorry) and she is like a psychic/medium and there are videos where she interacts with ghosts and at a few points she mentions seeing/feeling or interacting with “Demonic Activity” so in that sense…demons could exist

I think in some sense, demons are made up. For all we know…demons could just be really angry ghosts and we named them demons for that reason.

to end my weird post thing, in some sense, demons are kind of made up in my opinion, but in a sense and in some cases demons could exist…?

overall, to Kelsi, demons do exist, to me, i don’t know

i’m sorry, I don’t know what I’m saying :sweat_smile:

Well, I’m an atheist, and I don’t think I can not believe in god and believe in demons.

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I say both because nobody can say for sure whether or not they exist, but I personally believe in them. Not the Satan-like demons but more so dark creatures from other places.


Fair enough. I agree with you there.


Schrödinger’s Demon


what’s that?

It’s a joke based on Schrodingers cat, the theory that if you put a cat in a box with some poison, at that moment the cat is both dead and alive because you don’t know if the poison has killed the cat or if the cat is okay. It can look more complicated if you read it on wikipedia.

Anyway, I personally believe demons are often just cautionary tales and superstition. Lol my friend who is into stuff gave me one of his crystals to hold and my hand kinda hurt while I was holding it and he was like “are you sure you aren’t half demon or something?” :joy: now I don’t really believe in all of that but it does intrigue me.

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:hushed: if you ever find out, please let us know. However, I fo not believe you are any part demon :grin:

Thanks for reminding me about the cat thing, I totally forgot about that

I don’t think they exist. Many phenomenons that get “blamed” on demons can often be explained in other ways.

@Discussions Do demons exist, in your opinion?

My spiritual views have shifted a lot. I don’t really know. However im not really putting much effort into believing them or believing random stories like I used to.