Do dreams affect your mood?

We’ve talked about how we interpret our dreams and try to find a meaning behind them but can those same dreams affect our mood during the day? Scientists state that dreams can affect our behaviour and mood and that 47% of people let their dreams impact how they feel when they wake up.

  • Do dreams affect your mood?
  • Did you ever let a dream affect your mood?

I think so? This one time I dreamed one of my teachers was insulting me and Im honestly still insecure about the things that she said

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They affect my mood when I wake up but throughout the day I’ll chill

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I think it depends on the person, honestly. Personally, I can’t recall a time where a dream has impacted my mood throughout my day. I have, however, experienced dreams that were so memorable that it’d stick in my mind for awhile afterwards.

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it depends on the dream

Usually, yes.
When I have a really good dream about something wonderful, it puts me in a good mood all day.
When I have a bad dream where horrible stuff happens, I’m kind of anxious an on edge, and actually expecting something bad to happen.

Depends on the dream. If it’s a really creepy one and I remember it, I get an uneasy feeling.

Yes! Creepy dreams can make me feel super creeped out and on edge the whole day

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Yeah, they do xD Especially when it’s like a melancholic one, I carry it even when I wake up (but eventually will be dismissed because—ding ding—story idea!)

Though I like to interpret my dreams, I don’t let it affect my mood. It just affects me for less than a moment, then it goes away :3

Not really.
They do for like the first hour after I wake up, but after that I just go back to my life
Unless it’s a really deep/special/bad/strange dream so it might last longer

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Only weird ones.

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No they don’t, but only one dream did

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For some reason, my dreams at night always impact my mood the next morning :confounded::confounded: If I have a “bad” dream, I just lose my motivation to do anything that day.

My “Sexuality” dream changed everything.

A weird dream makes it harder to fall asleep the night after

I had a horrible, creepy dream the last time I took an afternoon nap in my bed.
It left me feeling anxious and totally creeped out for the rest of that day.
Since then, I’ve decided to only take afternoon naps on the couch.

It depends on the dream. If I have a good dream of someone in my past, I wake up to feel a bit sad and may miss them. I’ll feel sad for a moment, but it doesn’t last long. Usually events or situations don’t affect my mood throughout the way or for longer than an hour unless the situation was very serious. I can brush things off very easily and not allow them to affect my mood

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My dreams affect me a lot once I wake up. This is because my dreams tend to be vivid and they make me feel as if I lived in a parallel universe inside of it. However, the sudden revert back to reality gives mixed emotions. Some dreams make me feel sad, some make me happy, while some leave me confused.

To be honest, no. I wake up, think about the dream I had (if I even had one) for about 2 minutes then get up and forget about it the rest of the day. They don’t really change my overall mood, but they can sort of change the start of my day, and whether it’s good or not. I don’t read too much into dreams either, but sometimes they can affect my mood, but barely


only in the morning when i actually care about what i dreamt about