Do RPs go too far?

Do RPs ever go too far? Do they ever drift too far from the storyline and focus on something completely different? Have you ever been in one that went off the storyline? How long did they last after going off?


I haven’t been RPing long enough to witness that, but I’m sure it’s happened before. Though I think the RP will start to get inactive, since it’ll become different from what people hoped it would be when signing up.

I’ve never seen that happen before, but it sounds entertaining.

Maybe some people can get carried away with some backgrounds of characters. Though I haven’t seen any trigger warning needing backgrounds in a while.

What do you think? @RPers


Sounds like a problem I’d have. I can get pretty dark.

Lol Cerys’ background
Also, maybe the second time Philip kidnapped Regan, it was a good thing that was in a pm

Yeah, I think when characters need to be moved to PM 'cause it’s no longer PG-13, it usually going to far. I know we all love writing and our characters, but there is enough material out there in terms of writing, that we can create really good stories without creating triggering or adult twists.

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I haven’t witnesses straying from the storyline, but sometimes people can get too controlling of characters, dramatic, or too realistic :thinking:

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Too realistic? How do you mean?

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When it starts getting rated R.
I’ve never seen it on a thread but in my opinion thats going a little too far :sweat_smile:

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Oh, yeah, I agree with that.

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I haven’t been in a derailed RPs, as far as I remembered so I can’t say for sure, but I agree with the above that it can get derailed if a subplot gets too big and overpowers the actual one.

Going too far? … I don’t find it too bad when they veer off the storyline, like I find subplots quite entertaining oftentimes aha. But in my mind, when things get too graphic, that’s a noo, especially if it’s concerning more triggering topicss

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