Do students have too much workload?

Do students have too much workload? Why or why not?

How do you think they can change this within schools? Would that alternative work?

I would say that work in general is too much, most of the time. And considerably is a main reason for a downfall of mental health, so I’m sure refraining from giving excessive work would help make people more happy. :man_shrugging:

@HomeworkHelp as people who like to help people who struggle with their homework, what your thoughts on homework in itself?

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I think they do. They spend a big part of their day at school and then there’s also homework and studying. There’s barely any time to really work on their social skills and find out who they want to be in the future.

@Students What do you think?

It really depends. From what I remember, in high school we didn’t have that many things but I was always tired and stressed. When it comes to college… Once again it depends. I go to the academy of arts and that’s basically 10 projects at once and you don’t have time for anything! Especially when all the exams start so yeah - too many things to finish and not enough time and you don’t really have breaks. You are constantly working on something. Just yesterday I had 3 projects and bunch of drawings I had to hand in.

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