Do you always keep track of your health?

Honestly, I don’t really keep track of my health :sweat_smile: I know I should and some days I really worry about my health but most of the time, I just don’t care. I eat whatever I want and not what’s healthy even if my Mum often tells me that I need to eat a bit healthier :sweat_smile:

Do you always keep track of your health or are you reckless about it?

Depends. Periods… kinda. Mental health, usually I write a note if I’m feeling a particular way- and I have a period app that is good for this. Usually I log certain emotions and stuff.

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I don’t lol

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I do Zumba in my living room and I been doing the country one. It as two workouts then I make my smoothie afterwards.

I do track my health but not on the weekends or vacation.

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I stopped when we were in quarantine but I’m starting to keep track again

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I’m kinda supposed to but I always forget

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