Do you care about grades?

I really cared about my grades in school, but I told everyone else that their grades don’t say anything about how smart they are or anything else about their personality :smile: I didn’t care if my friends had good grades or not, but mine were way too important to me.

Do you care about grades in school/university?


In high school I cared only about my grades in classes I actually liked (there weren’t many of those ngl)

I got a b+ on a test once and it was one of the highest grades in my class but it was my lowest grade in that class ever so I took the test again and got an a+ :joy:

Everyone looked at me like bruh


I used to care about them a ton and that really stressed me out

I do care a lot, but I try not to check or let it become obsessive


I really try to get good grades in school so it’ll be easier to get into college or get a scholarship. I’ve seen people get good grades easily and it always seems like I have to work really hard to get good grades oof.
Other than that I try not to care about grades and how it affects me as a person but I kind of have to get good grades so…


Yes. My parents are strict

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I mean… yeah… :eyes: but I don’t base my whole life around them

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Yeah I care about my grades too it’s really important to me but you are right it doesn’t really define anyone’s personality or how smart they are .


Personally, I don’t, but because of expectations as well as for the sake of practicality, I need to care about it.

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Of course I do. I kinda define a bit of my worth and intelligence based off of my grades :sweat_smile: I understand there are different kinds of intelligence and that grades don’t define that, but with societal conditioning, I see myself that way. I don’t care about anyone else’s grades but mine

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