Do you clean your classroom?

Have you ever been in charge of cleaning your class?
Do you clean your space before leaving class, or do you leave trash around your area?

When I taught elementary school, it was so hard to get kids to clean up after themselves. The janitor assigned to my room was very grumpy, so if the kids left even a little bit of trash in their area, she would accuse me with the principal. So I started cleaning up after the kids as much as possible, just so the janitor wouldn’t make rude comments or compare my classroom to other teachers’ classrooms (although some of them said she roasted them for having messy classrooms).


Yes. We were always required by our teachers to clean our classrooms. They sometimes give us additional points for it.

Yes, especially in middle school. We made sure to trash our classrooms as less as possible so as to not stay after-school for a long time cleaning up :joy:

Hahah lol no :joy:
We did the minimum, like put in the trash cans the paper leftovers after we cut something or something similar but never more than that (and this in elementary school)
During middle school and most of all, high school, we do nothing :woman_shrugging:t3:

Honestly when janitors complain the students are the ones that are kinda pissed :sweat_smile:
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that we are not respectful nor that we don’t care (generally classrooms were never left like a mess), but let’s be real, they are paid to clean the school…
And they complain every single time if they have to pick something up from the floor or clean the blackboards.
Students shouldn’t leave a mess but are the janitors the ones that are assigned the task to clean up :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I make sure my own desk is clean, but I don’t clean other desks. I can understand why I should keep my own desk clean but it’s not my job to keep other desks clean


Rarely. We do have our timetable where everyone is responsible to clean a certain part of the class once every week and we usually just carry out our task when we were instructed to do so. But because of the pandemic, we were not required to clean our class.

In primary school, we have to sacrifice our recess time and we had to clean our classroom before we can eat. Yes, we have to do it once every week. Sometimes I took longer time to clean so I didn’t have anytime to eat, leaving me with an empty stomach of the rest of the day. I hold this grudge until the very day.

Added school tag.

In primary school we used to be forced to, in high school they didn’t care but I did used to clean up after myself, we weren’t a messy class tbh. Then at the end of college covid hit so we had to spray all our tables and wipe our computer keyboards.

We make sure that we don’t dirty the classroom much so that we don’t end up cleaning afterwards :thinking:

Added a tag.

Now all we really have to do is clean our atelier after our drawing class (move our easels to the side, throw out excess paper…)

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