I sort of feel this pressure to just work into 9-5 and live as a constant working American, getting no richer than what is deserved (like most citizens I refer to). Because it’s such the norm, and even schools, adults just project it because that’s what they fell into.
Can you relate as an american (if you are one?)
If you are, or not, what pressures of life makes you feel the need to take a certain path? Is the path favorable for you? Why or why not? @/Discussions
The netherlands have a bunch of job opportunities of different levels but it’s pretty clear that if you don’t do a high level education that you end up with jobs that pay less and you’ll either have to lend money or get a small rental house. Rn the housing is a problem and the standard level of education is pretty high.
My siblings and parents all managed this level and rn I’m doing the same level but I’m kinda struggling.
I’m happy I chose this workfield, the switch from film to social work was the right call, but I do feel the pressure of delivering the expected results. I don’t think I’ve been as stressed out before than since I started doubting my carrier choice of film and making the switch.
I totally do, but it’s not about jobs. It’s more about with school, being a “proper” lady, and being straight so I can have kids. My mom always gets so upset when I say I don’t want to have kids I’ll adopt. I have slight anxiety of giving birth, but I still want kids.
Then with school I feel I have to be smart. I always feel like my parents want me to be, if not the smartest, one of the smartest. Like can’t I just go to school and see how I do? They are literally holding transferring me to an all girls Catholic school if my GPA isn’t over 4.0
Last but not least, family. I have to be happy and sh*t when my family is around. Recently I’ve noticed how annoying and not terrible but how terrible they are. Like I’ll “go to the bathroom” every ten minutes to get away from them. Then my mother gets sensitive that I don’t want to be with my family.
I used to but that’s because there was a literal pressure in my life to follow a path. This came from my Dad who forced me to do specific qualifications and never supported me doing anything I was specifically interested in if it deviated from his path.
Now that I’m mostly free of that I’m kinda glad that his path lead me to my own eventually.