Do you get grades for your online lessons?

We don’t get grades on our online work according to a letter from our headmaster since not all students can access/send the needed materials for the lesson and it wouldn’t be fair. What about your school? :eyes::sparkles:
Does your online work get graded?
Do you think that it should (not) be graded?


They get graded :sob:
Welp as long as I don’t get bad grades I don’t mind :eyes: (but no I don’t want it)

Yes, and I think it should be graded as long as people are able to get lessons/help with work.

We get graded but idk if it’s actually graded.

Yes we do

ye :sob:

We get graded.I have to learn 2 subjects for next week and it will be graded. :sweat_smile:

We only have Pass and Fail now for every assignment…
Idk if they percentage it thoughh, but I get a P or F on my assignments.

We have a system where it mixed both yast quarter and this quarter to give us our best grade. I’m honestly doing fine.


Unfortunately, yes. I do get graded on my schoolwork daily. It’s just like school except wayy more schoolwork. :expressionless:

Yeah, got one today.

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Most of my teachers are super quick with marking things, and some teachers take weeks. I had one of my teachers not even post an assignment for 3 weeks, so I had to complain to my principle (yeah I know I shouldn’t be complaining, but I was actually liking french before we started reading a book made for kids in Grade 4)

I think it should be graded, as long as I’m not getting bad marks i’m fine with it :joy:

So, it got changed for us. We receive grades but only if they’ll improve or not affect our total grade :eyes::sparkles:

It does get graded :eyes:

Some schools were making classes all pass/fail, which I think is a lot better of an idea than just continuing with full grades. Lockdown was hard on everyone, so I think that grades should at least be more lenient.

No they don’t get graded. Some teachers don’t even mark our online homework, which kinda frustrates me and demotivates me from doing them. The only thing that is graded here is our exams, and they are conducted in scbool.

I think by now everyone’s online work gets graded, right? @Students

At least my work got graded from the beginning, nobody even questioned that decision :sweat_smile: