Do you have insomnia?

Do you have insomnia? Personally I don’t. I get tired around 10pm and usually go to sleep at a good time. Although my lover has insomnia, I tend to stay up with them as long as I can so they don’t get lonely (: I usually make it until like 3 or 4am and then I pass out. My sleep schedule is 100% fine though because most of the time I just end up falling asleep at 11pm-12am.

  • Do you have insomnia?
  • What’s it like?
  • Do you wish you didn’t have it or are you fine living with it?
  • How does it affect you?
  • Do you have insomnia? Yeah

  • What’s it like? For me, I’ll be tired, or feel like I’m tired, but literally can’t sleep for hours, and then I’m really tired in the day during school, but even then I can’t really sleep, it’s annoying negl.

  • Do you wish you didn’t have it or are you fine living with it? I wish I didn’t have it, but it’s not like I can just throw it away, so I’m kind of fine living with it.

  • How does it affect you? Sometimes I can’t focus through the day, but besides that, it doesn’t really affect me too much.

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I do have a mild kind of insomnia. It’s hard to fall asleep and even harder to stay asleep without waking up frequently in between (though it may vary for others).

These days, especially since the last month, I am unable to sleep before 3-5 am. It could be because of excessive stress and even then I wake up at 7-9 am. Lack of sleeping hours makes the body weak and the brain can’t function at its max potential. I often feel tired (even if I eat properly) and forgetful of things. Headaches, lethargy, irritability and anxiety are common.

I wish I didn’t. My sleep hours are whack rn. I feel like a weirdo staying up all night and stressing out like crazy.

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I guess you could say I have insomnia to some degree, I tend to sleep late and wake up in between or eventually oversleep.

This has been happening for nearly a year now since quarantine started.

I tend to be tired a lot or sometimes, be super active. I often have headaches.

I hate having it!

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Yep, I’ve had it for about 10+ years now. I think it might have to do with the stimulate ADD meds I took back then.

Well, it’s a feeling that you can’t shake. You get this wave of sleepiness that hits full force but when you actually try to go to bed you end up wide awake in this sleepy tired-awake state. You will eventually fall asleep but your most likely going to be light sleeping instead. I tend to sleep 4-5 hours straight if I’m lucky then 2-3 hours in and out of sleep each day. You always feel tired everyday which you will yawn for a good bit of the day. I hate this part because it always happens at work. About 12am-1am is when I will actually get tired but I won’t fall asleep until almost 3-4 am. Though is has started to change because of a non-stimulant ADD med I am taking. It’s making me to go to bed earlier now.

Yeah, there are times I wish I didn’t have it. Though I have gotten use to it since I’ve had it for so long now. I want to feel like I actually got great sleep for once. That I slept for more than 5 hours straight.

It makes it hard to function during the day sometimes. If I don"t get proper sleep then I will be zombie mode for a good bit until I wake up mentally. Like right now, I’m in that zombie mode which will last for a little longer today. In all honesty, it’s a horrible feeling to have since it’s hard to do everyday things when you don’t have the energy to keep up with them. It slows my work pace down so that is something I can’t stand about it.


Just recently, because of stress and all that thing. These days though, since recuperation I think I’m fixing it :eyes:

It’s when you’re so tired and just want to sleep, but your brain’s so active and you can’t sleep even after four hours (not exaggerating, I actually did that and I don’t think that was even healthy). It feels so uncomfortable especially if you are sleeping with your sister Dx

This. I’m already forgetful and sleepless days aren’t helping :sob: I also get absent-minded at times, and it’s so awkward-

Your functionality is really affected big time. Because of it, you lose motivation to finish what you want to finish.


Hahaha! Hiiiiii

Sometimes! Especially if I took a long nap in the late afternoon or evening.
Last night was one of the nights I couldn’t fall asleep. I was working on my story until 11:00, then I promised myself I’d watch one video on YouTube that I had been wanting to watch all day. But instead of one, I watched, like four. And after that, I couldn’t fall asleep, not until 2 AM.

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