Do you have that one person who is extremely good at art in class? Is the person you?

That person was always me! I think I was the only one that was excited about art class, it was probably the only class I was active in. Usually, I’d sit somewhere in the back and be quiet but I wanted my art teacher to like me so I would always sit in front of her ahahahah

  • Do you have that one person who is extremely good at art in class?
  • Is the person you?

Yes and definitely not :eyes:

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There always was one or two and no, it was never me. I didn’t start drawing until just one year before university :thinking:


I had that person in my class she was talented af
ended up becoming a tattoo artist I got her to tattoo me like last month :sunglasses:


Nope! I like art but I am very bad at it. I think I can make something good but it takes me a long time and it never turns out how I wanted it to. I tried practicing with books but never really went anywhere with that lol.

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People used to say I’m the best artist in primary school, but now in high school there are so many good artists :star_struck:


Ikr, i liked having good grades in art, luckily on high school the only other artist in my class left :skull::skull::skull:


Lucky, like half my class are artists :star_struck:


I always had that person on my class and, sadly, it was never me :joy: However, I seem to be good at befriending those people because even now at university, one of the first friends I had is really good at digital art.
But I also enjoyed art class :joy: I wasn’t good at it, but my art teacher was really friendly and always told me how good I’m using my limited skills :joy:

I definitely wasn’t that person. There were certainly some who were better than others, but I honestly didn’t pay too close of attention to what everyone else did in class. I just tried to focus on making the art I was trying to make look how I wanted it to, which wasn’t the easiest as I’m a bit of a perfectionist.

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