Do you like amusement parks?

I really like going on rides at them and spending time at amusement parks with friends.

  • Do you like amusement parks?
  • What kind of rides are your favorite?



I used to love them but now it depends on what it has to offer, I guess.

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Ew. Adulting


I just like adrenaline

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Roller coasters mainly uwu
I have a little fear of heights but I still love those rides
Except the drop tower.

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What does what a park has to offer have to do with adulting?

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I like them but I don’t like that there are sooo many people there and the queues are way too long. I used to like the rides but I’m getting more scared of them :joy:

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Those things freak me out just watching them

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Imagine having amusement parks :star_struck:


I feel you. We only got one that is old and rusty. The rides squeak!


One time my brother forced me to go with him (he lovessss drop towers) and I just screamed the heck out of me the whole time :joy::joy::joy:

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That sounds terrifying :joy:

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I do and I don’t

I don’t because they often appear in my nightmares and I’m scared of most rides anyway, I usually just end up on going on the rides that go round without any dips, kids rides basically :joy: and I have bad memories of bumper cars since I could never control the darn things and everyone would make fun of me and tell me to do things I was already doing, peak frustration.

Plus the amusement park in my town is so expensive to even get into, it used to be that you went in for free and paid for the rides you went on but now you have to pay large amounts just to get in for a few hours. (Not because of COVID, it’s been like that for years).

I don’t love them or hate them tbh.

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The best rides :eyes:

I tried bumper cars one time, but they went annoyingly slowly and I didn’t like them

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Ones that fill me with adrenaline and can ride over and over again without being bored

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Yeah, amusement parks are great but the lines are so long…

They have fried food though so we’re good

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Yesss! I haven’t gone to one since I was like 13 though :((

The super high drop ones :eyes: unpopular opinion but I love the feeling

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I do, a lot, but we don’t have them here… My first and last time going to one was around 8 years ago, when I was in Paris.
There is one I’ve been wanting to go to for the longest time but I can’t find people to go with. It’s in Vienna and it’s called Prater! It looks good!

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Ah, I love amusement parks. We have one called Canada’s Wonderland here, pretty much everyone goes in the summer and during Halloween time when it turns into Halloween Haunt, which is essentially just a haunted house as an amusement park

I love love love rollercoasters, especially the ones with ridiculously long drops lmao they’re so fun. Not a fan of drop towers at all, they make me feel like I’m having a heart attack lololol
And the funnel cakes mwah I love myself some funnel cakes

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You don’t like rollercoasters anymore :pleading_face:

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