Do you like crossword puzzles?

I used to love solving them, but now I’m too lazy :joy::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:
So, do you like crossword puzzles? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smiley_cat:


When I was little, whenever I would travel with my family we would buy so many magazines with crossword puzzles and do them on a plane!! I still like it, it can be fun!

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I’m so bad at doing crosswords, but they can be fun!

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I used to do a lot of crossword puzzles as a kid, now I kinda forgot they exist :flushed:


I mean, I find them really hard, so I don’t do them often. They are always on the back of newspapers and magazines, but I never can put the time and effort into doing them because I’m lazy and don’t know that many words. I applaud people who can though.

Yes, but I also get bored right away after solving a couple of rounds.

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