Do you like digital versions of traditional board games?

Have you ever played a digital version of a traditional board game?
Do you like it better than the physical version?

I’ve played Chess, Chinese Checkers, and a few card games digitally, but it isn’t as fun for me because most of them have computer-generated opponents. So it isn’t as fun as when you’re playing with your friends or family.


I’ve tried the online version of Ludo and personally, I prefer playing traditionally. It’s more nostalgic and the experience feels raw and real. When I’m on my phone, I’m looking at a screen but when I play with my family in person we’re laughing, taunting one another or analysing our opponents to decipher their technique and it’s an atmosphere that technology cannot replicate for me.

I like Monopoly’s digital version and Uno is pretty fun but Monopoly is hecking expensive (Espicially if you want four players it’s just too much money) And Uno is fine but glitches a lot. Personally, Table Top Simulator is fun to play with friends and probably my favorite one but playing traditional is always more fun cause of the more flexibility and jokes that can be made. Nonetheless, it’s really cool to be able to play with others that you can’t play with in real life

Personally, no. It doesn’t feel as fun to stare at a screen than to have it live and in front of you.

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Online chess is pretty cool, especially if you don’t have access to a physical chess board. It’s convenient :star_struck: simp for k bye

They’re often more easy to access but I don’t like playing against AI, it’s just more fun with others

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