Do you like musical episodes in TV shows?

Occasionally, a show that has nothing to do with music will have a musical episode where typically serious characters will spontaneously break out into song, or the characters will put on a musical, singing songs from a particular musical throughout the episode. What’s your opinion on musical episodes? Do you like them or do you think they mess with the vibe of the show?


Most of the time, they’re ok at best. Sometimes they can actually be good and it flows well with the plot. But when it isn’t expected/doesn’t fit well moving the plot forward it tends to not be so good.

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cough Riverdale cough

I don’t even watch Riverdale, but I hate what they did to Heathers


The Riverdale musical episodes aren’t great episodes by any means, but it at least ties in half decently to keep the plot moving. Though I personally like Riverdale.

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For me it depends on several things.

  1. The show and what is happening in the plot line (like if there is a random musical episode out of nowhere, I’ll be really confused)
  2. The actors in the show and whether or not they are actually good at singing
  3. How often the show has musical episodes
  4. What songs/musical(s) the show chooses to follow

I cannot unsee that episode. and I wish I could.

Slight Off Topic Side Note

I feel so bad for Lili that she is stuck in a contract haha
She wants to be taken seriously but is stuck in a terrible show RIP

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The Supernatural and Flash musical episodes has to be the best by far. Solely because for Supernatural it was unexpected with the atmosphere of the show and for Flash it was a welcome surprise because Grant and Mellisa (Supergirl) were in Glee and it was good to see them sing together.

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If the song is good, fits the plot and characters, then I like them. But otherwise I just get annoyed.

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Hm, not really… I’m not sure. But I can’t wait for Supernatural’s musical episode, that’s the only one I’m looking forward to :stuck_out_tongue:

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