Do you like shopping?

I love shopping! But sometimes I get carried away and overspend. I enjoy shopping for clothes, food, and beauty products. I don’t really like shopping for shoes because it’s so hard for me to find the right kind of shoes.

We have a lot of malls here, which is where I usually shop. There are lots of grocery stores as well. Many people prefer going downtown or to the local market, but it’s usually way too crowded, and I don’t like crowds. I also prefer shopping at places where it isn’t too complicated to park my car.

There are some things I prefer buying online because they are impossible to find in stores, like lace front wigs. The problem with online shopping is that usually it takes a long time to receive the product, and shipping can be expensive, especially if you’re buying something from another country.

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Yes. I love getting new clothes. Though I rarely buy clothes now, it’s pretty exciting cuz I only do that once in a while :star_struck:

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book shopping book shopping book shopping

im so poor rn tho cops of it :((

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Damn your house is a library :eyes::exploding_head::star_struck: sponsor me some books (jk jk) :sweat_smile:

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Only if it’s shopping for food or clothes but, I hate going to the hardware and curtain store. Oh my freakin god, I went into this tiny curtain store with my parents and we spent three hours in there and didn’t even buy anything!
And don’t get me started on my dad, he spends at least 2 hours in fckin home depot.

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I kinda live for it, when shopping in store I don’t know what top and bottoms to put together but online I easily see full outfits that are my style and it makes it a lot easier. But, at the same time I prefer to see it in store because sizing and the feel of the fabric is a big issue when shopping online.

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I do, I really enjoy shopping! We have this one big mall that has every shop that I like so I often go there with my mom! But I usually go shopping when I know what I want to buy because I get tired easily and I’m not that patient, especially with my mom because she likes to try on everything!!
And I hate online shopping ahaha. I just don’t like using my card and there is a huge chance I won’t like what I get or it won’t fit me


I agree :sob::sob:




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I hate shopping :pleading_face::broken_heart:

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Awhh why is that :pleading_face::eyes::sparkles:


In general, yes. I like shopping, especially when it comes to clothes and personal products. I prefer to shop in person when it comes to clothes because I can always check out if the clothes fit me well, plus I also love shopping for clothes in thrift stores because I can get designer brands at a low price.

I’ve been doing most of my shopping online lately because of corona. I usually buy products online that are not available or are too expensive in the stores around here. I’m amazed by the extremely low prices of some of the products online compare to what we have in the malls. But it’s also using up all the money on my debit card and I need to have more control on my expenses.

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Ouii thats really nice :sparkles::hugs:


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Added #shopping tag.

I love clothes shopping, but only by myself. I hate choosing clothes in front of other people, cus they always either put their opinion on the outfit which makes me feel self conscious, or (in my parents’ case) they try choosing stuff for me and go off tutting about prices and I just overthink way too much, get stressed and buy something I hate in the end XD

I also love food shopping, even if I will get weird about the eating bit

I love it and hate it
Shops are often too loud or bright for me,
I like going to shops I’m familiar with and I love book shops because those are usually extremely calm and the staff are usually really nice and forgive me rambling at checkout, I used to go during my college breaks by myself and it’d just be nice to have some peace and look at things I like
And I did like going to HMV (music, DVDs and merch shop) until the music they played got ridiculously loud and I couldn’t go in there without feeling intensely judged but I can still go back in with my friends because that distracts me from like the bad feelings lol

I hate clothes shopping and I buy most of my clothes online or I ask my Mum if she can pick certain things up for me.

In general I think everyone knows by now that I hate leaving the house at all so shopping is never gonna be something I jump at the idea of

I love to go shopping and try on different clothes and styles.

Uh no where. I travel ab 30 mins to an hr if I ever wanna go shopping.

I also like it if I’m to lazy to go out. It’s an easy method and great if you know your measurements and exactly what you want.

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