Do you listen to critics before going to a movie?

I personally don’t because I feel like they can get it wrong. There are plenty of movies which were given bad critic reviews but are actually really good!

So what about you guys?


No lol
Im that kinda person that doesn’t really care about the ratings. Since some movies get really high ratings but in my opinion were trash

As long as the trailer seems legit, I’ll watch it :3


It depends on the movie. If I’m starting to doubt if a movie is even worth paying to see, I’ll check the ratings, but if it’s a movie that I’ve been really excited for that I think is worth paying for, yea. I’ll go without checking the critic’s responses.


No I don’t :joy:

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No I couldn’t care less what critics have to say tbh there are often times where I disagree with them anyways. If I do read a review it’s mostly after I’ve seen the movie.

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It depends. If I’ve never heard of something before and only know the name of the movie, I’ll maybe read some reviews about it before watching it. But usually I don’t care and just watch whatever I want no matter what some critics say :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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I usually just watch movies that I find interesting. When I’m done with the movie I move on to see what the critics are saying.

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Sometimes, but I mainly decide myself if I want to see it or not. I mean everyone has a different taste, these critics are often very subjective and personally…

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Oh no! You don’t judge based on what people say! People are different and have different tastes and opinions towards various things, so no! I read what is about and check the rating and also if the title is catchy. I also check if it is popular and is the casts are popular and I watch it. I know, it’s a long process but if it is popular then it means a lot of people enjoy it!



I tend not to just so I can form my own opinion! I might look after but it doesn’t change anything.


I usually don’t do that before going to a movie I want to watch because I don’t want any spoilers lol. But for movies and series I’m interested in but not a 100% sure if I want to see I look at long analyses on YouTube. :joy: And after having seen those kind of reviews/analyses I know the plot and main events so I don’t have a strong urge to see the movie.

(Is analyses the correct word? Sounds weird…)

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I might check reviews, but I tend to pick things based off of what my friends recommend.

@Discussions, do you care about what critics say about a movie? Does it influence what you go and see?


I am the critic :sunglasses:


no, I don’t care about their opinion, mine is better


Depends on what they have to say, if the movie is at 2 stars I probably wouldn’t watch it. :joy:

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I look at the rotten tomatoes % and if it’s below 50, I’ll find something else to watch or just watch it for the laughs


Some things get really underrated or even over rated though…


Not really, I’d want to form my own opinion about the movie, if I didn’t like it or something then I would go and see what critics had to say about it or something.

Lol yeah I agree. I guess for me it just kinda depends on the circumstance and what I think about the plot whether I decide to watch or not

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