Do you listen to music while you read?

I know alot of people struggle to focus if they put music on while they read but I don’t struggle at all so yes I do :blush:

  • I listen to music while I read
  • I donut

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Nooo, I struggle to focus on things without music so with it would just be impossible

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I do it but only when im reading on episode

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I remember the days where I did that :joy:


Episode music is kinda boring so i just listen to my spotify playlist lol


Yeah episode music is just…not worth it :joy:


Episode music is downright irritating. The first few seconds are okay but when it keeps on auto repeating, it’s just… really annoying :confounded:


I used to
Back in the days where I could actually focus
But now I can’t focus on anything :star_struck: so I donut (sad reacts only)

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Same :eyes:


I cant focus with music. But if I can with the sound on, usually I tune out the music completely so it’s really difficult to try to read while hearing the music

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I don’t do that because music sets the mood of the scene; if I’m listening to my playlist and a song comes on that I associate with a happy feeling but the scene I’m reading is sad, then it could spoil the song for me.

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Sometimes I will, but not often. I’ve basically listened to a song on repeat while reading and I began to associate the book and song together. They fit together actually. But I don’t really let music impact my view on the books I read, or the books impact the music.

Never, I tried it once and I didn’t understand a word. It just distracts me way too much :sweat_smile:

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