Do you pay attention to background art in anime/manga?

I actually do, because I always think about how talented they are when I see them. I judge the manga I read by the art actually. :sweat_smile:


So, I can’t tag them unless I join the tag? Can someone please help me tag them again? :sweat_smile:


Sure thing :wink: @AnimeNerds

Not really, I’ll always get distracted by the cool graphics, hehe.

Yeah I do. The art plays a big role in whether I watch it or not.

@AnimeNerds what about you?



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I’d say yes!! Often I think, I wish I could draw backgrounds like that…

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I’m more focused on the characters, usually. But distant angles allow me to appreciate the backgrounds more. Like many other anime watchers, art is also an important thing for me.

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A lot of backgrounds have hidden details or Easter eggs :eyes:

Yeah, I always pay attention to background art, especially in manga. I just really like seeing the detail somebody put into something that’s not even the main focus.

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Yes, I do. I think it’s really fun to see all the different kinds of styles. Some are simple and cute and some are really in depth and detailed. In anime it’s even more interesting to see how it stays so detailed and pretty in all perspectives of a scene.

@AnimeNerds do you pay attention or not really?