Do you prefer book with short or long chapters?

Book with short or long chapters?

  • Longer chapters
  • Medium-ish
  • Shorter chapters
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And well… why?

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Well, Idk I like long.


but WHAiiiIIii

Long chapters but not toooo long

I like it when books have longer chapters because shorter chapters kind of make it feel like book goes on forever

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The length of the chapters in Skulduggery is pretty much perfect

I don’t really care most of the time but when I’m super busy I prefer shorter chapters because I can read them between two other activities.

Honestly, I prefer short. For most books every chapter is sort of it’s own short story. So I don’t really like to stop in the middle of a chapter. Therefore I prefer short chapters, more chances for me to take a break from the book.

Fixed a tag

Getting back to this to see if things changed and nah. Shorter chapters definitely make me more motivated to continue reading.

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