Do you prefer brand name clothes?

When you buy your clothes, do you prefer buying brand name clothing or just generic clothing? If you do, why is that? If you don’t, is there any particular reason why?


Just clothes! Who cares?!
Idc as long as it’s comfy and looks okay

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I don’t like logos on my clothes.

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I like buying clothes that fit my style the rest doesn’t matter. But for example if I like the clothes a certain store has, and it also happens to be a big brand then not my fault :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Oh it means the logos? I thought just branded clothing like y’know Prada or smth


Well, that too.

I prefer not getting brand name because it’s more expensive

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nahhh idrc

Honestly, I don’t even care. I like to buy whatever is cute if I have the $$ for it. I mainly buy super cheap clothes cuz I am broke :pensive::raised_back_of_hand:t3:

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I don’t care about clothing brands, to be honest. As long as they look good on me, then I’m also good with it. I buy a lot of clothes in thrift shops anyway because they’re cheap and they look good. If I’m lucky enough, then I can also get branded ones from thrift stores.

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Sometimes, if the clothes of that brand are too expensive, then no-
But if I find something which looks good and is not branded, I still buy it.

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The only reason I wouldn’t wear that is because of the logo.


What’s wrong with the logo?


I just don’t like it. I prefer plain hoodies.



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I like logos. I think they look cool :star_struck: adds pizzazz


It’s funny, though. I love graphic t-shirsts, just not hoodies.

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i love graphic tees too

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Graphic tees thread!