Do you tend to believe rumours?

My answer to this is no because I require a certain level of proof or evidence to support it or I’d have to really really trust the person who had said it to me. I’ve had rumours spread about me and I know it isn’t nice so I always take things with a pinch of salt.


Depends. If the rumour is something that I can inductively reason to be likely I’ll probably search for more on the subject quicker than if it sounds ridiculous


It really depends. Usually I don’t but I like to know everything so I’d investigate anyway, oops.

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Nope, I don’t. Not at all. Not unless I hear the rumour come from the person it is about/related to.

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It really really depends on the kind of rumor and the rumor itself, but usually I don’t. Gimme a reason to believe and I’ll believe

give me a reason to believe
So give me all your poison and give me all your pills

Sorry having the forum in dark alt and red really has released revenge era mcr in me :joy:

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And give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill

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you’re running after something that you’ll never kill, if this is what you want then fire at will

Speaking of mcr and to stay on topic :joy: I remember the amount of rumours around them getting back together and not wanting to get my hopes up

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Usually, I don’t… especially if it isn’t even logical or if it’s coming from a source that isn’t very reliable.

Only if it makes sense and is backed up by something.

No, not really. I like to dig them up or research about them first before I come to a conclusion.

Rumors here tend to be too much : )


I need proooooof

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What about you guys ? @Discussions Do you tend to believe them? Do you need proof first?


Sometimes according
but not all the time because people can give half truth half lie :woman_shrugging:t5:

no one tells me rumors :eyes:


It depends on what the rumor is, where it’s coming from, and who or what it’s about. I’d also probably do some investigation to find out if it’s actually true :eyes:

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Depends on the rumour, of it’s not scientifically backed up, then no. If it’s somehow believable, I’ll believe it but I’ll still doubt a little. Either way, I’d usually just wait for the people involved to confirm about the situation.

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@Discussions Do you believe rumours?

I rarely do, unless several of my friends tell me about them. I want some kind of proof to believe something :sweat_smile:

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I listen to them for a laugh, but no, I try not to believe them unless the person closest to what it’s about tells me it’s true.

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I usually don’t, unless I have a reason to believe they’re true.